AltWeeklies Wire

The Confessional Letternew

In this well-researched novel where past and present, East and West, collide poignantly, Amis enables us to imagine a past so oppressive that the narrator cannot even refer to Stalin by name.
Artvoice  |  Laura Nathan  |  01-19-2007  |  Fiction

City of Treesnew

Buffalo's urban forest has suffered tremendous damage as a result of last October's surprise storm -- how we clean up and approach a repair and restoration of this forest will characterize our community for generations to come.
Artvoice  |  Jay Burney  |  01-16-2007  |  Environment

Between Despair and Possibilitynew

Byrne puts into dialogue the 2003 invasion of Iraq -- as experienced through the mediation of headlines and news stories.
Artvoice  |  Rosa Alcala  |  01-16-2007  |  Poetry

A Congressman Abroadnew

Congressman Brian Higgins discusses our dependence on foreign oil, explains the votes for which he is most often criticized by the left and describes how he imagines the Iraq War will be resolved.
Artvoice  |  Geoff Kelly  |  01-05-2007  |  Politics

The Populist Poetnew

Pomerhn's third book is a guided tour through the crumbling American mindscape.
Artvoice  |  Brian McMahon  |  01-05-2007  |  Poetry

My Shopping Orgynew

I've written too many of what are basically the same Buy Nothing Day article -- so this year I set out to do some ethnographic fieldwork, immersing myself in the heart of the beast.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  12-22-2006  |  Commentary

Neither Prescriptive nor Naivenew

Cairns crafts poems of faith in an age when readers are liable to greet the subject with cynicism.
Artvoice  |  Tony Leuzzi  |  12-22-2006  |  Poetry

A Draft in the Airnew

Our current economic draft is unfair, and, in practice, it's racist -- that's why Charles Rangel is calling to reinstate the draft.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  12-01-2006  |  Commentary

Record Denied!new

Never before had a team in the NHL started a season, as the Sabres did, with an 11-0 record.
Artvoice  |  Andrew Kulyk & Peter Farrell  |  11-07-2006  |  Sports

Lockport Plant Downsizingnew

Delphi Thermal workers speak out on buyout offers.
Artvoice  |  Lisa Cialfa  |  11-07-2006  |  Business & Labor

Very Loco Parentsnew

Running With Scissors is an unusual action showcase -- what it isn't is a subtle, insightful relation of a coming-of-age experience.
Artvoice  |  George Sax  |  10-27-2006  |  Reviews

Normalizing Torturenew

The Bush administration's rationale for torture rests on a hypothetical argument, a legal argument, and a syllogism.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Jackson  |  10-27-2006  |  Commentary

Live It or Lose Itnew

Writer and activist Francis Moore Lappe has developed a revolutionary philosophy on hunger, poverty and global food systems.
Artvoice  |  Lauren Newkirk Maynard  |  10-20-2006  |  Economy

Miller Steals One for the Sabresnew

Sabres turn the tables on turncoat Dominic Hasek and his Detroit Red Wings.
Artvoice  |  Andrew Kulyk and Peter Farrell  |  10-20-2006  |  Sports


An apocalyptic "thundersnow" takes a toll on Buffalo's trees.
Artvoice  |  Jay Burney and Bruce Jackson  |  10-20-2006  |  Environment

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