AltWeeklies Wire

A Different Kind of Bloggernew

"Vlogging" or video blogging is the latest advancement in weblogging, and Christian Brower of is one of the first to hop on the bandwagon.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  04-02-2005  |  Science

Arizona Lawmaker Goes After Campus Pressnew

Russell Pearce, a member of the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church, put language in this year's state budget bill to eliminate funding for campus publications in Arizona because they have run stories and photographs he considers offensive.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  03-22-2005  |  Media

DDT and the Contaminated Splendor of Painted Rock Reservoirnew

The emergence of Arizona's second largest lake is no cause to celebrate. Its water will disappear under the scorching summer sun, leaving behind a poisonous legacy.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  03-16-2005  |  Environment

Divorce Mediator Was Not the Lawyer He Claimed to Benew

Gary Karpin operates what he says is a booming one-man mediation business called "Divorce With Dignity." Two clients say he preyed on vulnerable divorcees, both romantically and financially.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  02-01-2005  |  Children & Families

How Two Tempe Women Found Scott Peterson's Missing Cementnew

A photo Genna McCallie took of a bag of cement in Scott Peterson's driveway drew her and her friend Kathy Monkman into a murder case they'd only intended to comment on online.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  01-18-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Drought Spurs More Mexicans to Cross Bordernew

The smuggling organizations that last year helped more than half a million Mexicans cross the border near Phoenix are now larger, more sophisticated and more violent than ever before, U.S. immigration enforcement officials say.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson  |  12-28-2004  |  Immigration

Arizona Water Issue Doesn't Restrain Urban Sprawlnew

Central Arizona has enough renewable surface water to build and sustain a metropolis of at least 10 million people. But planners should discourage sprawl by restoring the dried-up Salt River.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  12-14-2004  |  Environment

Hope I Die Before I Get Oldnew

Arizona has the power to make nursing homes provide good care. Too bad it doesn't use it.
Phoenix New Times  |  Bruce Rushton  |  12-06-2004  |  Science

Polygamous Prophet Plays Role in School District Fiasconew

In October, payroll checks started bouncing at the Colorado City Unified School District. New Times has uncovered evidence that Warren Jeffs, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had a hand in the district?s financial ruin.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  11-30-2004  |  Education

Up the Down Staircasenew

When they had their third child with Down Syndrome, a Mormon family decided Santa Claus would be coming to their home forever.
Phoenix New Times  |  Amy Silverman  |  11-30-2004  |  Children & Families

University Prez Curbs Free Speech to Please Donornew

Be it to keep the Commission on Presidential Debates at bay, cower to a donor who also happens to be a George W. Bush elector in the Electoral College, or coddle members of the Mormon church, Arizona State University's president is trying to scare a campus of 55,000 into submission.
Phoenix New Times  |  Joe Watson  |  11-24-2004  |  Civil Liberties

Con Artist Gets Free Pass from Justice Systemnew

Grifter Bob Owens has seemingly rendered himself untouchable from prosecution for his well-documented and financially lucrative crimes. He has done so, in part, by compromising factions inside the criminal-justice system, including the cops and the defense bar.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  11-15-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Arizona's Fossil Creek to Be Revivednew

Nearly 90 percent of Arizona's native riparian stream systems have been lost, and more than half of its native fish species are endangered. But business leaders and environmentalists are working together to restore Fossil Creek.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  11-09-2004  |  Environment

Blood on Their Handsnew

Shortly after a doctor at Maricopa Medical Center released Rodney Aviles from the psychiatric ward, he bludgeoned his mother and 7-year-old niece to death. Five years later, his criminal case remains unresolved.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  10-19-2004  |  Crime & Justice

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