AltWeeklies Wire
John Waters: The Trash Auteur Speaks Out -- Way Outnew
On gay marriage, the presidential race, the corrupting influence of irony and the release of his new 'Til Death Do Us Part DVD.
L.A. Weekly |
Steven Mikulan |
07-07-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Starring on Court TVnew
John Oliver, a medium and local bookstore owner, joins psychic profilers and paranormal investigators at long-cold crime scenes to see what they can detect on Court TV.
Style Weekly |
Melissa Scott Sinclair |
06-22-2006 |
Crime & Justice
How Two Tempe Women Found Scott Peterson's Missing Cementnew
A photo Genna McCallie took of a bag of cement in Scott Peterson's driveway drew her and her friend Kathy Monkman into a murder case they'd only intended to comment on online.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
01-18-2005 |
Crime & Justice