AltWeeklies Wire
The Dorm From Hellnew
Black mold, fire ant invasions, lack of repairs: They all make living conditions at the University of Texas at Dallas's Waterview Park miserable. But far worse is the crime.
Dallas Observer |
a Southern Methodist University Investigative Reporting Class |
05-02-2005 |
California's Energy Crisis Isn't Over Yetnew
The energy crisis may have faded from the headlines since the rolling blackouts of 2001, but it's far from over. And unless the California State Legislature does something soon, it's about to get worse.
Dallas Observer |
Chris Thompson |
04-25-2005 |
Business & Labor
For Homeless, Shelters Aren't the Answernew
Dallas is building a new homeless assistance center near downtown, but a lot of homeless consider shelters oppressive. What seems to work better, the city's homeless czar has learned, is a form of supportive housing called single-room occupancies, or SROs.
Dallas Observer |
Zac Crain |
03-29-2005 |
Tags: AA, Tom Dunning
Banana Workers Claim Pesticide Made Them Lose Virilitynew
A Dallas County jury will be hearing a case to determine whether Dole Food Company Inc. is responsible for the sterility of hundreds of Costa Rican workers. The case is part of a massive wave of litigation over the pesticide DBCP.
Dallas Observer |
Rick Kennedy |
03-15-2005 |
Woman Gets Slapped With Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labelnew
During a custody battle, Dr. Susan Diamond was labeled as having a psychiatric disorder in which a parent fabricates or aggravates a child's illness in order to get attention. But the diagnosis is a controversial one.
Dallas Observer |
Glenna Whitley |
03-08-2005 |
Tags: psychiatry
'Capture the Illegal Immigrant' Game Becomes Media Shownew
The Young Conservatives of Texas created a stir when they encouraged other students to catch orange-shirted "illegal immigrants" on the University of North Texas campus.
Dallas Observer |
Paul Kix |
02-08-2005 |
The Lives of Dallas Strip Club DJ's Laid Barenew
Despite the constant presence of women in various states of undress, being a DJ at a strip club is not a very sexy gig.
Dallas Observer |
Zac Crain |
01-31-2005 |
Acquittal of Murderous Mom Inspires Debate Over Insanity Defensenew
Lisa Diaz drowned her "precious babies" to save them from an evil world. Her acquittal, and the overturning of the conviction of Andrea Yates on similar charges, have prompted reexamination of the Texas insanity defense statute.
Dallas Observer |
Glenna Whitley |
01-24-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Dallas City Crews Dump Homeless People's Possessionsnew
In a life beneath bridges and in homeless camps, Tommy Lee Simmons carried a photograph of his grandparents with him, wrapped in plastic stuffed deep inside his duffel. Now, thanks to a city sweep of a homeless camp, it's in the landfill.
Dallas Observer |
Jim Schutze |
01-14-2005 |
Every Picture Tells a Storynew
A cover illustration of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, who was slain by a crazed fan at an Ohio nightclub December 14, upset some of his family and friends. The Observer ran it to emphasize that the tragedy involved the loss of a real person.
Dallas Observer |
Patrick Williams |
12-27-2004 |
Andre Lewis Adjusts to Life After Death Rownew
Hours before convicted murderer Andre Lewis was scheduled to die in 1993, he was granted a reprieve. His relatives' testimony about the negative circumstances of his childhood eventually saved him but distanced him from them as well.
Dallas Observer |
Robert Wilonsky |
12-20-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Near-Death Study Searches for the Human Soulnew
Patients who have their hearts stopped to test an implanted device will be interviewed afterwards to see what recollection they have of the event and of a computer animation visible above the operating table.
Dallas Observer |
Mark Stuertz |
12-20-2004 |
Tags: Illinois, a Portuguese organization research human psychology and spirituality, a professor of counseling at the University of North Texas and president of the International Association of Near Death Studies, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia Health System, a singer-songwriter, Bial Foundation, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Jan Holden, Michael Shermer, Pam Reynolds, Park Ridge, publisher of Skeptic magazine
Legislator Wants to Limit Access to "Morning After" Pillsnew
Frank Corte Jr., a San Antonio Republican, is the author of a bill in the Texas Legislature that would protect the jobs of pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions -- like the "morning after" pill -- on moral grounds.
Dallas Observer |
Paul Kix and Patrick Williams |
12-13-2004 |
Seductress of the Saintsnew
Sandra Camille Bridewell told her seatmate on a plane that she was a missionary in need of assistance. In fact, she is a swindler, known in Dallas as the Black Widow, who gains the confidence of the generous by pretending to be a super-spiritual minister with a hotline to Jesus.
Dallas Observer |
Glenna Whitley |
12-13-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Whiz Biz Kidsnew
Members of Dallas's Young Entrepreneurs Organization believe that business plans are, largely, crap. No one knows for sure what will work. If you start a business and it fails, so what? You can always start something else.
Dallas Observer |
Eric Celeste |
12-06-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor