AltWeeklies Wire

Christmas Play About the Apocalypse Inspires Conversionnew

The Sheffield Family Life Center’s annual pageant is a heartwarming little tale starring machine guns and the Antichrist.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  12-21-2004  |  Religion

Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Election Alienates Catholicsnew

Steve and Shayla King left their parish of 30 years because they were offended by a missive suggesting Catholics might endanger their eternal salvation if they didn't vote for a candidate who would protect innocent life. The letter issued in their diocese was intimidation, Steve King says.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  12-13-2004  |  Religion

Why Shoppers Ought to Think Twice About Ordering Onlinenew

Writing from prison, Internet scammer Brandon Samuel Brooks explains how, between the ages of 15 and 20, he stole about $100,000 from unsuspecting rubes over the Internet.
The Pitch  |  Tony Ortega  |  12-13-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Doc Offers Miracle in a Bottlenew

Dr. Edward McDonagh has been fighting Missouri’s medical establishment for years to defend his practice of treating all kinds of maladies with chelation therapy, which removes potentially harmful metals from the bloodstream.
The Pitch  |  Ben Paynter  |  11-30-2004  |  Science

Kansas School Board Member Reports Filmmaker to FBInew

After documentary filmmaker Ranjit Arab tried to interview anti-immigrant Kansas State Board of Education member Connie Morris, she reported him to the FBI "to ward off any possible stalking or terroristic behavior."
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  10-26-2004  |  Immigration

Man's Story of How His Family Drowned Doesn't Hold Waternew

A freak rainstorm carried away Robert Rogers' minivan, killing his wife, children and a Good Samaritan. Rogers tells church crowds he walked away from a "wall of water" that night, but Kansas rescue workers say his account makes no sense.
The Pitch  |  Kendrick Blackwood  |  10-19-2004  |  Religion

City Banks on Ex-Con to Revitalize Downtownnew

Kansas City officials agreed not to tax developers for changing an eyesore property into 142 units of luxury living. Does it matter that a key figure behind the venture is a white-collar criminal?
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  09-21-2004  |  Business & Labor

Kansas City School District Looks to God for Guidancenew

At a mandatory back-to-school rally held at Community of Christ Church, employees of the Kansas City, Missouri, School District, were treated to speeches containing numerous references to God and faith.
The Pitch  |  Tony Ortega  |  09-13-2004  |  Religion

Buzzkill! DARE Grads Go On to Do Drugsnew

The young people using cocaine, pot, Ecstasy, mushrooms have one thing in common: They've all been through the anti-drug DARE program. But their peers have a stronger pull on them than the friendly cops they met in fifth grade.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  09-07-2004  |  Education

Some Curves Members Worry About Cofounder's Pro-Life Tiesnew

Gary Heavin, cofounder of Curves, the largest fitness franchise in the world, is a proud pro-lifer who makes charitable donations based on his religious beliefs. Exaggerated reports about those ties spread on the Internet, alarming some pro-choice members.
The Pitch  |  Andrew Miller  |  08-30-2004  |  The War on Women

Black Listed: Former Hallmark Writer Gets the Shaftnew

Derrick Barnes, the first full-time African-American male writer on Hallmark's payroll, wishes he could get his old job back.
The Pitch  |  Andrew Miller  |  08-23-2004  |  Business & Labor

The FBI's Anti-Terrorism Task Force Goes Info-Shoppingnew

FBI agents in search of people planning violence at the party conventions have been questioning anarchists in Missouri. Among those they targeted was Nate Hoffman, one of the organizers of the leftist bookstore Crossroads Infoshop in Kansas City.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  08-13-2004  |  Civil Liberties

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