AltWeeklies Wire

On Coming Out and Staying Strong in a Not-Always-Welcoming Culturenew

The queer subculture that exists within San Antonio and other heavily concentrated Latino communities maintains itself despite cultural stigmas associated with being gay.
San Antonio Current  |  Christine Garza  |  06-29-2011  |  LGBT

Claims of Sexual Abuse by Former Priest Results in Calls to Stay Executionnew

The church of St. Clare’s in San Antonio, a symbol of faith and piety for some, has become an icon of the fear and shame others here have kept buried for decades.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  06-15-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Endangered Species Act Has Kept the Water Flowing in Texas, and it Won't Stop the Oilnew

Despite all the political huffing you hear coming from Texas these days, the federal Endangered Species Act has actually been an economic boon to Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  06-09-2011  |  Environment

Andres Valdez: The Dog Whisperer of San Antonionew

Valdez is working to save San Antonio's dogs -- and restore our humanity.
San Antonio Current  |  Barbara Renaud Gonzalez  |  04-11-2011  |  Animal Issues

Worst of the Worst?new

It’s commonly assumed that juvenile offenders thrown into the adult court and prison system are the worst of the worst, beyond rehabilitation. But a new report released today paints an altogether different picture.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  03-25-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Cruelest Cutsnew

Plans to gut mental health spending in Texas will not only destroy lives, but overwhelm jails, emergency rooms, and taxpayers’ wallets.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  03-25-2011  |  Homelessness

Midnight at the Oasisnew

How the madman of Libya is advancing energy progress in South Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Wurth  |  03-11-2011  |  Environment

Should Apple Ban Racist iPhone App Mariachi Hero?new

Just a few days ago Apple banned a set of apps based on their sexually suggestive material. Why would they choose not to, likewise, prohibit applications with racist overtones such as Mariachi Hero?
San Antonio Current  |  DeAnne Cuellar  |  03-04-2011  |  Race & Class

After the DREAMnew

Students fighting for a path to citizenship still looking for reliable allies.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  03-04-2011  |  Immigration

Groups urge U.S. Department of Homeland Security to end new prison contract with GEOnew

Over a dozen Texas civil and immigrant rights groups this week sent a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano protesting the new privately-run immigration detention center slated for construction in Karnes County, Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  02-28-2011  |  Immigration

The Elephant in the Womb: Planned Parenthood Attackednew

Ideological strike on women’s health care to further cripple Texas' budget.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  02-24-2011  |  The War on Women

New Texas Law Proposes Punishing Parents and Teens for Sextingnew

Additionally, the proposed new law will require schools to conduct mobile literacy in classrooms on the ramifications of the new law.
San Antonio Current  |  Deanne Cuellar  |  02-18-2011  |  Sex

Prisons for Profitnew

Deaths, lawsuits don’t stop expansion of GEO immigration prisons
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  02-18-2011  |  Immigration

Creativity at Ground Zeronew

Is public education in Texas something aspiring writers simply have to endure?
San Antonio Current  |  Roberto Ontiveros  |  02-07-2011  |  Education

Up In Smokenew

DEA's pending ban on synthetic marijuana hasn't slowed Spice sales.
San Antonio Current  |  Drew Stone  |  01-20-2011  |  Drugs

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