AltWeeklies Wire
Activists Want Portland to be a Sanctuary for AWOL Soldiersnew
A coalition of activists called PDX Peace is gathering signatures to make Portland America's third "Sanctuary City" for military deserters, along with San Francisco and Berkeley. And they want the City Council to adopt an ordinance that would protect war resisters by blocking Portland police from acting on federal orders to arrest AWOL soldiers.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
07-23-2008 |
Tags: Iraq, AWOL, Afghanistan, soldiers, Portland, deportation, war & peace, Sanctuary City, PDX Peace
Bait and Kill: Soldier Resists More Deadly Missionsnew

A soldier who once participated in the Army's "bait and kill" teams in Iraq now suffers from PTSD now faces a court martial, prison and no treatment for his injuries for his refusal to fight in a war he does not believe in.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
05-28-2008 |
The Military is Inconsistent When it Comes to Handling Desertersnew
Some, like outspoken war opponent Lt. Ehren Watada, face courts-martial and potential jail sentences, while others are allowed to quietly leave with an "other than honorable discharge" -- the military's term for a discharge that falls somewhere between honorable and dishonorable.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
05-12-2008 |
We Can't Call Ourselves Peacekeepers if We Reject Soldiers of Peacenew
The Supreme Court of Canada has recently refused to hear refugee appeals from two brave American warriors, Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey, two of dozens of gutsy soldiers who have headed here rather than follow orders to attack Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Michael Hollett |
11-26-2007 |
U.S. Soldier Refuses to Kill, Takes Refuge in Canadanew
Brad McCall, a U.S. army private, is living in exile in Vancouver because he doesn't want to commit war crimes in Iraq.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
10-09-2007 |
Pvt. Brad McCall Heads to Canadanew
Feeling it's his only peaceable option, McCall packed his bags and left Colorado last weekend. In Canada, he'll join hundreds of other asylum-seeking soldiers.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Anthony Lane |
09-25-2007 |
Camilo Mejia's Warnew
The first American soldier to desert from Iraq doesn't feel like a coward -- or a hero.
Miami New Times |
Francisco Alvarado |
05-07-2007 |
A Few Gone Mennew
Marine Corporal Lance Hering didn't want to go back to Iraq -- so he decided to disappear.
Tags: war in iraq, AWOL
Why I Rannew

Robin Long explains why he left the Army for Canada when he received orders to go to Iraq.
Boise Weekly |
Rachael Daigle |
05-10-2006 |