AltWeeklies Wire

As regulators put a price tag — $1.32 billion — on what Scott Tucker's payday-lending enterprises have squeezed out of poor people, a grand jury convenes.
Katlyn Conroy and Matt Pryor write made-to-order love songs for Valentine's Daynew

Flowers die. Lingerie fades. But songs — songs last forever...
Dylan Mortimer's struggles lead to a Curenew

As an artist known for making impressively scaled signs and combining hip-hop symbols with references to Christianity — Google him and his brilliant Prayer Booths still come up first — Dylan Mortimer has always made personal art. But his latest exhibition transcends the personal for something revelatory...
U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver shows up to back a bold taxpayer ask: $18 million for 18th &

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II stands in an elevator on the first floor of Kansas City, Missouri's City Hall on a dreary Wednesday afternoon. Cleaver, flanked by a security guard, is heading to the 26th floor, where the City Council is about to meet and discuss the prospect of an $18 million infusion to the historic 18th & Vine Jazz District...
The Pitch |
Steve Vockrodt |
01-14-2016 |
Policy Issues
Stuck With Secretsnew

As questions linger about Missouri's shadowy lethal-injection protocol, the state is days away from killing another inmate.
The Pitch |
Steve Vockrodt |
01-26-2014 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: death penalty
The Horrornew

Mark Patton, star of Nightmare on Elm Street 2, on acting, horror and his 'scream queen' status.
The Pitch |
Abbie Stutzer |
10-12-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Lawless in Missourinew

Missouri legislators zero in on guns, gays and gags in another year of attempted lawmaking.
Inside Westboronew

At Westboro Baptist Church, Steve Drain found religion but lost a daughter.
Tags: Westboro Baptist Church
'Anchor Babies' Are a Mythnew

This soon-to-be-deported family proves that "anchor babies" are a myth.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
01-26-2011 |
No Thank-You Card?new
Seven women say a Hallmark contractor fired them for cheap labor.
The Pitch |
David Martin |
06-09-2010 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Hallmark
When You Get in Bed With the CDC-KC, You Get Screwednew

At its peak, City-Wide Auto Repair had eight employees on its payroll and kept three bays busy with repairs. "We used to do more inspections than anybody in the state of Missouri," boasts Steve Frisbee. Now his business has become a dumping ground.
The Pitch |
Carolyn Szczepanski |
03-02-2010 |
Business & Labor
Kansas Lawmakers' Paranoid Rush to Ban Synthetic Marijuananew
One officer says the first thing his department did upon hearing about K2 was search YouTube for clips. Another says he heard about a blog telling of a teen who went into a coma for 12 hours after smoking K2. A woman says she fears for teachers if a student goes into a violent frenzy.
The Daddy Finders: DNA Testing at a Strip Mall for Peace of Mindnew

Paternity testing makes up 10 to 15 percent of David and Prudence Rexroats' business. They cultivate it. MedExpress Labs, the couple's company, markets a "peace of mind" test to men who suspect that a wife or girlfriend has been unfaithful.
The Snoop, or the Guy Who'll Trail You if Your Partner Suspects Cheatingnew
Chris is a private investigator with Northland Attorneys LLC. Clients frequently hire him to tail their partners, whom they suspect of cheating. We've changed his name so he can remain covert as he follows Kansas City's skulking spouses.