AltWeeklies Wire
A view from inside the Philly Naked Bike Ridenew

Philadelphia Weekly staff writer Randy LoBasso participates in the Philly Naked Bike Ride. This is what he saw.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
08-26-2013 |
Hip-Hop Dancers Teach Kids a Civil Rights Lessonnew

A successful Kickstarter campaign means Hip Hop Fundamentals finally gets to bring its history-by-music program to underfunded Philly schools.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
07-01-2013 |
Ex-Philly "Hero cop" DeCoatsworth: One Man's Descent or System Failure?new
Despite DeCoatsworth’s history of violence, the story is playing out in the media, locally and nationally, as a hero cop’s shocking fall from grace.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
05-22-2013 |
Acting Governornew

Donning a stiff silver crown of Thundercat hair favored by Southern ladies of a certain age—writer Molly Ivins once referred to it as “Republican hair”—Taylor moves with Ann Richards' gait, cracks wise in her accent and delivers not just information about Richards, but the essence of her colorful personality.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
05-22-2013 |
Queen of the Deadnew

Rogue taxidermist Beth Beverly, star of AMC's new show Immortalized, gives dead birds and animals a second life as beautiful and bizarre wearable art.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
02-13-2013 |
I Can't Stop Reading Commentersnew

Calling black people animals, references to monkeys, phrases like "welcome to the jungle, baby" and "That’s how it go in da hood" are all standard comments beneath crime stories on when the perp is black. And we haven’t even gotten to the anal rape fantasies that regularly litter sexual offender and police corruption stories. So why do I read them?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
10-19-2011 |
A Photographer Seeks to Emancipate the Modern Slavenew

For most of Middle America, black men are little more than the images projected from popular media outlets—a tattooed, incarcerated (and unintelligible) Lil Wayne, irresponsible fathers on Maury, and faceless men that fill prison beds at an alarmingly high rate. But for one gay white man, the black man is a source of elegance and beauty and a reminder of our larger cultural history.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Darren White |
07-13-2011 |
Snout to Tail: Breaking it Down Swine-Stylenew
Head: In this salumi-savvy scene, even options as uncommon as culatello and guanciale are everyday parlance. Which is why the la ventricina teramana, hand-crafted at Le Virtu, grabbed our attention.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Adam Erace and Tim McGinnis |
03-15-2010 |
Philly's Broken Justicenew
If you haven't been reading the Philadelphia Inquirer's series on our broken judicial system, you really should: it lays out in excruciating detail the failures of our "system".
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brendan Skwire |
12-22-2009 |
David Dingwall Stuffs His Leopard-Skin Shorts and Shoots for the Starsnew

After a lifetime of starts and stalls, after all his preparation for a comeback, it's ironic that it's the brilliant comedy video White Boy that could transform this old-school Catskills crooner into a 21st century Internet star.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
09-21-2009 |
Budget Impasse Threatens Philly's Iconic Mural Arts Programnew

The city's tightening belt has already trickled down to MAP -- which has spent recent decades making Philadelphia the "mural capital of the world" -- and the doomsday budget proposed by Mayor Nutter could bring even more pain.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Moore |
09-14-2009 |
Michael Vick Comes to Phillynew
When the Eagles announced that they signed a one-year-on plus one-year-option contract with convicted animal abuser Michael Vick, networking boards lit up like pinball machines. But will Philadelphians make good on their love of animals? Or is the outrage a little too easy?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
08-17-2009 |
Cultivating Honey the Bee's Knees for West Philly Residentsnew
Bartram's Garden, the pre-revolutionary estate of naturalist John Bartram, has become home to the buzz of honeybee colonies tended by passionate locals.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Dan Packel |
08-03-2009 |
Prometheus Radio Project Moves Radio Legislation in Washingtonnew
Prometheus has become remarkably good at working it in D.C., bringing religious groups, labor unions, civil rights groups, musicians and public safety advocates together in the fight for community radio.
They're all lining up behind the Local Community Radio Act (HR 1147), and they're more optimistic than ever about getting the legislation passed.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Daniel Denvir |
07-21-2009 |
The Tramp Stamp Storynew
The so-called tramp stamp is considered alternately sexy or vulgar, depending on who's looking at it. Why the special term? And why the fuss?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Amy Saltzman |
05-18-2009 |