AltWeeklies Wire
A Bloody Good Timenew

Gorelesque performer Bloody Betty and her Deadly Sins bring a gory new meaning to the term fetish.
Monday Magazine |
Danielle Pope |
11-01-2010 |
Flying Solonew

Grant Lawrence takes us on Adventures in Solitude.
Monday Magazine |
Amanda Farrell-Low |
10-29-2010 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Desolation Sound, Grant Lawrence
Up From the Streetsnew

Jean-Michel Basquiat’s radiantly short life is revealed in a new documentary.
Monday Magazine |
Robert Moyes |
10-29-2010 |
True Storiesnew
Morris Panych's new play, The Trespassers, dares to eat the peach.
Monday Magazine |
John Threlfall |
09-27-2010 |
Tags: Morris Panych, The Trespassers
Anarchism Finds Comradesnew
Fifth annual Festival of Anarchy takes on Victoria's conservative image.
Monday Magazine |
Danielle Pope |
09-27-2010 |
Civil Liberties
New Habitsnew

Ex-heroin addict David Mitchell teaches people in recovery how to help themselves.
Monday Magazine |
Danielle Pope |
09-27-2010 |
Beyond the Fish Marketnew

Chali 2na continues to swim upstream.
Monday Magazine |
Amanda Farrell-Low |
09-27-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
Companion for Hirenew

One escort talks about the business of sex.
Monday Magazine |
Danielle Pope |
09-27-2010 |
Take Me to Tent Townnew

Despite the recent B.C. Supreme Court ruling, why is Victoria so scared to host a tent city when a growing number of U.S. centers let them stand?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
10-27-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Why Can't the Canadian Green Party Woo West Coast Voters?new
Brimming with bike lanes and blossoming with community gardens, the electoral ridings of southern Vancouver Island should be fertile ground for Canada’s Green Party -- so why aren't they?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
10-02-2008 |
The Children of Warnew
An international effort to get kids out of conflict has star power behind it, thanks to acclaimed musician Bruce Cockburn and senator Romeo Dallaire.
Monday Magazine |
Amanda Farrell |
10-02-2008 |
Style Guys Colin McAllister & Justin Ryan Love Life in Canadanew
The stylish Scots duo made inroads into the interior-design world via various television series in the U.K. but made the leap over to Canada last year with the über-successful Home Heist show on HGTV, which has in turn been transformed into a new book, Colin & Justin's Home Heist Style Guide.
Monday Magazine |
Bill Stuart |
09-18-2008 |
In the Midst of Declining Voter Turnout, Canada Just Made it Harder to Cast a Ballotnew
Taking a page straight from the U.S. Republican Party's playbook of dirty electioneering, legislation passed by Canadian parliament in 2007 will make it more difficult for citizens at society's edges to cast ballots when the country goes to the polls on October 14.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
09-18-2008 |
Number of University of Victoria 100k Earners Jumps 40 Percent Since 2005new
While the unionized staff at the University of Victoria Student Union Building continue their strike in pursuit of better wages, it's clear from this year's schedule of remuneration that plenty of the university's 4,000-plus workforce are eking out a rather comfortable existence.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
09-18-2008 |
Ronald Wright Condemns the Short History of Yankee Progress in 'What Is America?'new
It must be tough being Ronald Wright. As a blisteringly insightful historian with eyes as much on the future as the past, it’s easy to imagine how painful it must be to live here in the early 21st century and watch as the United States leaves a trail of blood across the globe.
Monday Magazine |
John Threlfall |
09-18-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews