AltWeeklies Wire

Slut Sister Gets Epic and Violent on 'Raw Meat'new

Although the band describes its music as "metal/hardcore/Southern rock" on its MySpace page, I'd say that description's only about two-thirds accurate. It's definitely hardcore metal, but I'm not hearing the "Southern rock" aspects.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-05-2008  |  Reviews

On a Positive Note, Fetti Profoun is an Immensely Talented Rappernew

However, as far as Fetti's lyrical content, there has been little progression since Valley Fever, his 2006 debut.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-29-2008  |  Reviews

Fixed-Gear Fanaticism Rolls into Phoenixnew

Fixed-gear bikes have exploded in popularity in many cities across the nation over the past decade, and they've been getting more and more popular in the Valley since 2005. The wheeled weapon of choice for bike messengers and competitive cyclists for decades, fixies have caught on among a young and cool crowd.
Phoenix New Times  |  Benjamin Leatherman  |  07-29-2008  |  Sports

Suzi Dodt's Mission: To Return the Nameless Dead to Their Loved Onesnew

As the Unidentified Persons Bureau at the Maricopa County Medical Examiner's Office, she often refers to her cases by their numbers, because that's all she has. But, in her heart, she knows that the anonymous souls were real people who once walked among us, with families, friends, dreams, lives.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  07-22-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Arizona Pols Play Politics with the State's Disabled Studentsnew

Governor Janet Napolitano signed off on scholarships for disabled and foster kids -- only to give them the ax two years later.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  07-22-2008  |  Education

Phoenix Metal Band Fracture Point Sounds Like a Mastodon Stampedenew

But instead of directionless destruction, this beast intelligently winds its way through a well-constructed maze of down-tuned guitars, burly bass lines, screaming solos, and tricky timing changes.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-22-2008  |  Reviews

Mesa Police Chief George Gascon Stares Down Sheriff Joe Arpaionew

Gascon squashed Arpaio's attempts to round up votes by rounding up illegal immigrants.
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  07-16-2008  |  Immigration

Tempe's Mayor Isn't Afraid to Step on a Few Toes as He Waltzes Into Second Termnew

In a city that's long enjoyed genial, nonpartisan politics, the recently re-elected Hugh Hallman is something different: Both crusader and gadfly, he doesn't see the point in making nice when something isn't nice. Nor does he care whether he comes off as holier than thou -- or whether his campaigns are too aggressive for the Kiwanis Club crowd.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  07-08-2008  |  Politics

Sheriff Joe Buffaloes Readers with Bogus Yarns in 'Joe's Law'new

An intensely boring read for all but those who are slavishly attached to the man, Joe's Law repeats many of the myths Arpaio has manufactured about himself over the years. With the assistance of friend and writer Len Sherman, the book regurgitates such cock-and-bull stories as Arpaio's supposed run-in with Elvis, Joe's implausible role in ending the infamous French Connection, and bogus threats on Joe's life.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  07-01-2008  |  Nonfiction

New Liqueur Made from Coca Leaves is Giving Barflies a Boostnew

Agwa de Bolivia is being hailed as "the new absinthe" by some, "the new Jägermeister" by others, and being celebrated as everything from an alleged booster of sexual prowess to a substitute for illegal drugs.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-01-2008  |  Food+Drink

Former Korn Guitarist Brian Welch Finds Jesusnew

Welch's journey started six years before his baptism, the night he punched his wife in the face.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dickerson  |  06-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Flogging Molly Fans will Love the Brazen Headsnew

While many write off Irish folk-rock and Celtic punk as a musical flash in the pan already grease-fired, there's a musical prowess and cultural authenticity to the Brazen Heads' music that commands the listener's attention.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  06-24-2008  |  Reviews

Meet JerkRag, the Valley's Rock Band Bandnew

If virtual bands like Gorillaz create original music, but their members are embodied by digital avatars, then JerkRag is somewhat the opposite, a real-life representation of virtual rockers.
Phoenix New Times  |  Benjamin Leatherman  |  06-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Recent Raid Shows Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Racially Profilingnew

A sweep of overwhelmingly Hispanic municipality Guadalupe shows "America's Toughest Sheriff" is down on anybody brown. What happened there seemed so odious that it earned Arpaio's sweeps condemnation from a broad political spectrum.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  06-03-2008  |  Race & Class

Real Estate 'Guru' Mark Bosworth is in Crash Modenew

Anybody reading a recent Better Business Bureau report can sum up Mark Bosworth pretty quickly: a big shot with baggage. The report lists him as the CEO of Mark Bosworth and Associates LLC. It states he also does business as Property Masters of America, Home America Property Management,, and other LLCs. And it lists 52 complaints against him and his companies in the past three years.
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  05-21-2008  |  Business & Labor

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