AltWeeklies Wire

A Handful of Designers Ignite Nashville's Underground Fashion Scenenew

A city where trends arrive two years too late and stick around for three years too long doesn't make anyone's short list of scenes to watch. But Nashville's underground designers are thriving despite that, mainly because they've managed to tap into a niche audience.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  12-12-2008  |  Fashion

Roy Orbison and His Nashville Recordings, 20 Years After His Deathnew

With the 20th anniversary of Orbison's death on Dec. 6, and with the recent release of a career-defining box set, Roy Orbison: The Soul of Rock and Roll, it's an apt time to reflect on how several of pop music's most timeless and artful songs unexpectedly emerged from a small Nashville recording studio on 17th Avenue.
Nashville Scene  |  Michael McCall  |  12-05-2008  |  Reviews

Evangelicals Demand Subservience from Tennessee's New GOP Majoritynew

Evangelicals would like to clear up any confusion over who's running the state legislature. The new Republican majority won't start meeting until January, but already the party's bug-eyed base is demanding top billing for its pet causes and warning unbelievers to watch their backs.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  12-01-2008  |  Politics

The Republicans Take Control of the Tennessee Capitolnew

The new GOP majority is getting off to what might charitably be described as a stumbling start. In their big moment in history, they've been forced to dispute accusations that they rode to victory not on the power of their ideas, but on a wave of racism that the party helped whip up. Talk about a buzz killer.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-21-2008  |  Politics

The Insensitive Man's Holiday Gift Guidenew

Alas, the holidays are a time when you're supposed to be thankful and thoughtful, reaching out to loved ones with tenderness and affection. In other words, you can't behave like a man. Which presents a rather daunting challenge when it comes to gift buying.
Nashville Scene  |  Pete Kotz  |  11-21-2008  |  Shopping

Your New Online Beau is Tall, Dark, Handsome ... and a Fraudnew

Thanks to the proliferation of online dating sites, now any lonely heart with a little bit of savings is a perfect mark for swindling. Only the big pot of gold isn't a financial investment. It's the hope of companionship, true love and marriage.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  11-14-2008  |  Culture

'Being Lincoln' Explores Subculture Where Everyone is Abe Lincolnnew

In his lighthearted documentary, Elvis Wilson delves into a nationwide subculture of men who dress, re-create and comport themselves at public appearances as Lincoln.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  11-14-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Tennessee Dems Blame Racism for Historic Election Lossesnew

Barack Obama changed the political map with the biggest Democratic victory since LBJ, but the election made a different kind of history in the alternate universe known as Tennessee.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-14-2008  |  Politics

The Drive-By Truckers and The Hold Steady Consummate Their Mutual Crushnew

For a certain breed of rock fan -- those who like their rock literate and loud -- this tour is a wondrous fantasy, Hanukkah come early, OMFG. But for all the mutual man love going around, the two bands don't necessarily seem like a logical pairing.
Nashville Scene  |  Lee Stabert  |  10-31-2008  |  Music

Bob Tuke Soldiers On, Despite Being Given Zero Chance to Unseat Sen. Lamar Alexandernew

Sen. Lamar Alexander took a long Canadian fishing trip in the middle of his reelection campaign. That's pretty much all you need to know about how much he fears Bob Tuke, the Democrat attempting to unseat him.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-10-2008  |  Politics

The Untold Tale Behind Mercy Ministries' Prescription for Recoverynew

Some young women claim Mercy turned them from merely damaged to suicidal. Entrusting their recovery to untrained counselors barely out of Bible college, the Mercy girls said that exorcisms and speaking in tongues took the place of treatment, that expulsion was the punishment for peeing without permission, and that DVDs featuring the testimony of former gays were peddled as a cure for lesbianism.
Nashville Scene  |  Caleb Hannan  |  10-03-2008  |  Religion

The Clothes That Got Me Laid Tracks Sartorial Choices on the Sexual Playgroundnew

The blog, run by 28-year-old Emily Bartlett Hines, weaves the details of amorous hookups with the duds that made them possible, all with the thoughtful and inquisitive tone of an enthusiastic sexpert.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  10-03-2008  |  Fashion

No Fix in Sight for Tennessee's Flawed Death Penalty Systemnew

After a 2007 study, the American Bar Association called for a moratorium on executions in this state until the system is fixed. Of the ABA's 93 recommended guidelines, Tennessee complies with only seven.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-03-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Twelve Movies in Twelve Monthsnew

At the start of 2007, Cring, a Hendersonville filmmaker, announced an insanely ambitious scheme called the Extra/Ordinary Film Project.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  09-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Nashville's Scooter Riders Say They Might as Well Be Invisiblenew

You would think someone riding a praying mantis-like vehicle the color of a strawberry milk shake could make it through workday traffic without cheating death. Not in Nashville, where rising gas prices and the attendant popularity of pump-friendly scooters are creating all new hybrids of traffic hazards and road rage.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  09-12-2008  |  Transportation

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