AltWeeklies Wire
Yelp Giveth, and Yelp Taketh Awaynew

Businesses chafe under the review site's increasing power.
San Diego Reader |
Candice Reed |
10-08-2015 |
Tags: yelp
The Dirty Fight for Farmland in Latin Americanew

Even though much of the world's food supply still comes from small farmers, those same farmers from Honduras to the Philippines increasingly cannot feed their own families, and they're fighting for survival.
City Newspaper |
Tim Louis Macaluso |
10-02-2015 |
The Newest Portlandersnew

Meet the refugees from the most violent places on the planet.
Willamette Week |
Leah Sottile |
10-02-2015 |
What Went Wrong: An Addict’s Jail Stay Ends in Deathnew

Addicted to pain pills and pregnant, Jen McCormack landed in jail. 21 days later, she was dead.
Triad City Beat |
Jordan Green |
09-30-2015 |
Lawmakers brewing up reform to help craft beer industrynew

Raise your mugs, craft beer drinkers and give a hardy “here-here” to the members of the congressional small brewers caucuses, which are not groups of lawmakers who gather for Capitol Hill happy hours.
Rather, members of the House Small Brewers Caucus and the Senate Bipartisan Small Brewers Caucus are leading an effort to reform federal regulations to help the craft beverage industry grow and modernize. Members include Wisconsin Democrats Tammy Baldwin and Ron Kind.
Wisconsin Gazette |
Lisa Neff |
09-30-2015 |
Business & Labor
Out of the Darknessnew

Did people in the Dark Ages suspect they were living in the Dark Ages? It’s tempting, considering recent circumstances — the endless mass shootings, the warehousing of the mentally ill in jails and prisons, the preponderance of the sick, homeless and addicted in Eugene — to tumble into despair over the state of mental health in this society.
Eugene Weekly |
Rick Levin |
09-29-2015 |
Rolling it outnew

Oregon recreational users can buy pot at medical dispensaries starting Oct. 1, and other cannabis updates
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
09-29-2015 |
Into the Institutionnew

As citizens struggle with mental illness, health care providers struggle with how to help them. Does Oregon's new state hospital mean that yet again we turn to institutions rather than community care?
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen and Rick Levin |
09-24-2015 |
Viral-video cop named in North Bay federal lawsuitnew

David Rodriguez was already part of a federal lawsuit over unlawful search-and-seizure practices in Rohnert Park when he unholstered his service revolver in July and asked Don McComas if he was some kind of "crazy constitutionalist guy or something."
North Bay Bohemian |
Tom Gogola |
09-24-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Housing Crisis Leaves Section 8 Renters on Outside Looking Innew

In Silicon Valley, 1,028 people have a rental subsidy in hand but no place to use it, leaving them in limbo, bunking with friends or family, ducking under tents and overpasses or languishing in shelters.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jennifer Wadsworth |
09-24-2015 |
Last Days of Cannabis Prohibition in Californianew

Interviews with various CA cannabis players as 2016 legalization initiative gains steam.
North Bay Bohemian |
Tom Gogola, Stett Holbrook and Molly Oleson |
09-24-2015 |
Tribute to Indy Icon John Weissnew

For the first time in its 22-year history, a day will begin without John Weiss as publisher of the Colorado Springs Independent.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Ralph Routon |
09-22-2015 |
Behind the Curtainnew

An inside look at the oil & gas industry/Republican ‘REDPRINT’ for turning Colorado from Blue to Red.
Boulder Weekly |
Joel Dyer |
09-17-2015 |
Silicon Valley’s Low-Income Renters Find Few Protections from Predatory Landlordsnew

A public interest lawsuit that paints one property owner as an unrepentant slumlord reflects a growing power imbalance between landlords and tenants.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jennifer Wadsworth |
09-17-2015 |
Housing & Development
When Your Airbnb Guest Won't Leavenew

And they’re addicted to a video game.
San Diego Reader |
Staff |
09-15-2015 |
Tags: airbnb