AltWeeklies Wire
When Boys Become Fathersnew
We know less than we think we do about teenage fathers. And what we don't know hurts them -- and their children.
City Newspaper |
Tim Louis Macaluso |
07-20-2005 |
Tags: Economic Issues
Jury Virgins Sit and Waitnew
Some of those waiting in the jury room swapped tips for flunking the voir dire, but others were eager to serve.
City Newspaper |
Jennifer Loviglio |
06-29-2005 |
Public Displays of Affection: Gays, Parks, & Misdemeanorsnew

Men who seek sex from other men in parks may be at risk for physical harm, sexually transmitted diseases and arrest. Even worse is how one moment of indiscretion can inflict intense feelings of shame and self-hate.
City Newspaper |
Tim Louis Macaluso |
06-24-2005 |
Tags: Cruising, gay arrests
Newsroom Labor Dispute Reflects Decline of Dailiesnew
Gannett's paper in Rochester, N.Y., the Democrat and Chronicle, has been losing readers. Reporters think the media giant's push for high profits has diminished the quality of news coverage.
City Newspaper |
Krestia DeGeorge |
05-06-2005 |
Supersizing the American Homenew

The gains in energy efficiency that homebuilders have achieved are being offset by the increased size of homes and the explosive growth of amenities.
City Newspaper |
Krestia DeGeorge |
04-13-2005 |
School District Resists Military Recruiters' Methodsnew
A school district in New York State is standing up to the Pentagon by turning over information about students to military recruiters only if parents specifically request that it does so.
City Newspaper |
Krestia DeGeorge |
03-25-2005 |
New Battleground for Human Rights: the Bathroomnew
Public bathrooms are undoubtedly the most dangerous places for transgendered people. As a result, a fledgling movement to increase the number of gender-neutral bathrooms is gaining momentum.
City Newspaper |
Jennifer Loviglio |
03-25-2005 |
Refighting Vietnam in Rochesternew
People in the U.S. are unfamiliar with the ongoing horrors of war, so soldiers feel a sense of disconnect when they return, says a counselor who helps returning veterans in Rochester, N.Y.
City Newspaper |
Krestia DeGeorge |
01-14-2005 |
Outreach Center Helps With the Burdens Soldiers Carrynew
Returning soldiers have deep, long-term issues the Veterans Administration isn't equipped to help them with, says the president of the Veteran's Outreach Center in Rochester, N.Y.
City Newspaper |
Krestia DeGeorge |
01-14-2005 |
Grapes Entice Tourists to Upstate New Yorknew

Wineries are the fastest growing industry in New York State's Finger Lakes region, and winery-related tourism has grown 800 percent in the past 15 years. Second of two parts
City Newspaper |
Rich Gardner |
01-06-2005 |
Joshua Revolution Sets Teens 'on Fire for God'new
Kids who rocked to the music at a Joshua Revolution convention didn't quite manage a faith-based mosh pit, but they came close.
City Newspaper |
Th. Metzger |
01-05-2005 |
Grapes, Wineries and the Finger Lakesnew
John Martini and his wife Ann run one of almost 90 vineyards that have broken ground in New York State's Finger Lakes Region in the last two decades. "Winemaking is a black hole for money and dreams," he says. First of two parts
City Newspaper |
Rich Gardner |
01-04-2005 |
Fascism in America?
The last place you might expect to find a progressive would be the executive offices at Mobil or Xerox Corp. But Laurence Britt never stopped challenging the status quo. Although he's written three novels since retiring, it's one short article that has gained him high visibility on the left.
City Newspaper |
Ron Netsky |
12-07-2004 |
Tags: international
In a Time of Great Challenge: Kerry for President
In less than a week, the country will select a president. For the health and security of us all, that president must be John Kerry.
City Newspaper |
Mary Anna Towler |
10-27-2004 |
Tags: endorsement
American Soldiers Killed in Iraq Last Week Listednew
To honor the war dead and fill an information gap in U.S. mass media, City Newspaper will run weekly lists of American/"Coalition" soldiers and Iraqi citizens killed during the ongoing occupation of Iraq.
City Newspaper |
Jennifer Weiss |
08-07-2004 |