AltWeeklies Wire

With Friends Like These . . .

A local B.C. politician looking to change federal policy receives an unintential (and unwanted) endorsement from white supremacist group.
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  02-06-2008  |  Race & Class

Trans Tribulations: Acceptance Elusive for Transgendered Community

After reading about a women's-only self-defense class in a local alt-weekly, a transgendered woman is refused entry into the class — because she has yet to complete her gender reassignment surgery. Meanwhile, she's supposed to be living her life as a woman . . . but how can you do that when the world still treats you as a man?
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  02-06-2008  |  LGBT

Anxious Times: Big Pharma Clouds What It Means to be Sick

Disease mongering is big pharma's not-so-subtle way of increasing their grip on a scared and anxious populace. What's a worried person to do?
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  02-01-2008  |  Drugs

Carts as Art: Carts of Darkness Show What's on the Other Side of the Bridge

Ever gone 50 mph downhill on a shopping cart? The characters in this indie documentary do, plus a whole lot more. A fascinating look at the role shopping carts play in our culture.
Monday Magazine  |  Amanda Farrell  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Raise a Little Hell: Hell on Wheels a Fascinating Tale of the Birth of Modern Roller Derby

An interview with roller derby doc director Bob Ray, done by a derby gal herself.
Monday Magazine  |  Amanda Farrell  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Grrr Power: Maureen Medved Transforms Her Novel into a Powerful Piece of Literary Cinema

Vancouver-based novelist Maureen Medved just nabbed a Genie nomination for her screenplay for The Tracey Fragments. We caught up with her to talk about that page-to-screen process.
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

CHEKing In: Will Local TV News Survive the Digital Revolution?

As part of CanWest's ongoing Canadian media conglomeration, Victoria's CHEK-TV newscasts will be produced and packaged in another city by fall 2008. What does this latest round of convergence mean for local news coverage?
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  01-31-2008  |  Media

Politics of Fear

A Canadian candidate pulls the Nader card as she talks about the progressive split.
Monday Magazine  |  Andrew MacLeod  |  01-19-2006  |  Politics

No Details on Welfare Deaths

The Canadian welfare ministry refuses to investigate 6,065 deaths of individuals on welfare.
Monday Magazine  |  Andrew MacLeod  |  01-05-2006  |  Economy

Why I'm Not Afraid of the End of the World

One generation's bound to take a hit for the environmental irresponsibilities of the past. Why shouldn't it be ours?
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  04-18-2005  |  Commentary

Hydrogen—The Next Snake Oil?

Touted as the energy solution to greenhouse gases, hydrogen turns out to have more problems than it is supposed to solve.
Monday Magazine  |  Russ Francis  |  04-18-2005  |  Environment

Facing the End of the Oil Era

Worries about high gas prices pale in comparison to worries about Peak Oil.
Monday Magazine  |  Alisa Gordaneer  |  04-18-2005  |  Environment

Technogear for Your Hi-Fi Friends

A rundown of high-tech (and high-priced) gifts for glorified giving.
Monday Magazine  |  Russ Francis  |  12-07-2004  |  Science

Do Vegans Swallow?

Vegan porn (if you can call it that) provides plenty of information, but leaves a few pressing questions unanswered.
Monday Magazine  |  Ringo Wilde  |  10-20-2004  |  Advice

Finding Peace in Afghanistan

A trip to a mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif offers a welcome contrast to the chaos of Kabul.
Monday Magazine  |  Jared Ferrie  |  10-20-2004  |  Travel

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