AltWeeklies Wire

Let's Avoid Indiscriminate Retaliation for Attack on

Let's not commit the same monstrous crime that the terrorists committed, in negating human life, in pursuit of a lifeless ideal.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  08-07-2004  |  Commentary

Democratic Team Stresses Labor and Leadership Issues in Ohionew

If the "conventional wisdom" is to be believed on the potential weak spots of the Kerry/Edwards ticket, the candidates hit the proper notes at Saturday's rally in Zanesville, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS  |  Jim Phillips  |  08-03-2004  |  Politics

The Truth Behind Composer Oliver Messiaen's Most Famous Worknew

An Ohio University music professor has debunked a number of myths surrounding the composition and premiere of French composer Olivier Messiaen's most famous composition, "Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps."
The Athens NEWS  |  Jim Phillips  |  05-27-2004  |  Music

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