AltWeeklies Wire

The Force Is Still With Himnew

Former President Clinton flies into Colorado and fires up the state's Democratic base.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Bill Forman  |  10-22-2010  |  Elections

Tea Party Crashersnew

Will the upstart movement spoil the hopes of Democrats in Colorado?
Boulder Weekly  |  Jefferson Dodge  |  10-21-2010  |  Elections

Sheheen Focuses On Jobs in S.C. Gubernatorial Runnew

It's not surprising that jobs have been center stage in this election season; the recession has left some South Carolinians without work and placed others in a paycheck-to-paycheck scenario that's one injury or accident away from catastrophe.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-20-2010  |  Elections

Haley, Sheheen Asked About Gay Bullyingnew

At tonight's debate in Spartanburg, a gay online viewer asked a question about protecting gay students from bullying and promoting acceptance of gay rights.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-19-2010  |  LGBT

Michele Bachmann Was For The Stimulus While She Was Against Itnew

​Remember the Fox News gabfests, the D.C. rallies and the campaign ads where Michele Bachmann brags about voting against President Barack Obama's stimulus bill? Turns out she had her hand out at the same time. Saddling our kids with the federal debt is OK when she does it.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Hart Van Denburg  |  10-18-2010  |  Politics

Clyburn Hitting The Airwaves This Weeknew

After years of relatively quiet campaigning, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn is going on TV and radio this week. Clyburn says he isn't getting on the airwaves over concern for his re-election.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-18-2010  |  Politics

It Ain’t Easy Being Green. Or Libertarian, or

Greens axed from the ballot in New Mexico.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  10-15-2010  |  Politics

Sheheen: Who Do You Trust?new

Gubernatorial candidate questions Haley's ability to lead as questions grow about her delinquent tax filings, revelations of misleading employment history and insider contracts.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-14-2010  |  Policy Issues

First Amendment vs. First Commandmentnew

Sharron Angle and the separation of church and state.
Reno News & Review  |  Dennis Myers  |  10-12-2010  |  Politics

How to Save American Capitalism, in 808 Words

What I would do to save Obama, the Democrats, and the capitalist system.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-12-2010  |  Commentary

Sen. DeMint Making Money On His Opposition to Federal Grantnew

Sen. Jim DeMint is turning his principled stand against federal aid for Charleston into a call for more campaign cash.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-05-2010  |  Policy Issues

DeMint Scared of Gays and Functioning, Unwed Vaginasnew

Six years ago, Jim DeMint was stumbling over a non-apology for offensive remarks he made on the campaign trail for U.S. Senate. With a lack of opposition this year, he's right at home being a homophobe and sexist on the stump.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-04-2010  |  LGBT

Write-In Candidate Spices Up S.C. Senate Racenew

Promising to "bring home the bacon," celebrity chef and Charleston resident Nathalie Dupree has thrown her chef's hat into the ring for U.S. Senate.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-01-2010  |  Politics

D-Day for Democrats?new

Health care reform debate sets backdrop of key South Carolina Congressional races.
Columbia Free Times  |  Corey Hutchins  |  09-01-2010  |  Politics

Will Healthcare Help or Hinder Idaho Candidates in November?new

Idaho's governor and members of its delegation are betting against healthcare. But one virtually unknown Democrat is running on a pro-health-care platform.
Boise Weekly  |  Nathaniel Hoffman  |  05-20-2010  |  Politics

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