AltWeeklies Wire

The Force Is Still With Himnew

Former President Clinton flies into Colorado and fires up the state's Democratic base.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Bill Forman  |  10-22-2010  |  Elections

One Year Later, Progressives Are Fighting an Uphill Battlenew

Obama's inauguration a year ago was a historic triumph, but the year since has seeped with anxiety, upheaval and political ugliness. The frustration and despair have trickled down, with Republicans attacking at every chance and Democrats failing to respond effectively.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Independent News Staff  |  01-14-2010  |  Politics

Sudden Chaos: Gov. Ritter's Departure Leaves Dems Sweating, Scramblingnew

Gov. Bill Ritter canceled a campaign event and staffers stopped responding to voicemails (including a call from the Independent). Rumors began hitting the Washington blogs, and sources began leaking the news that Ritter won't be running for re-election.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Ralph Routon and Anthony Lane  |  01-07-2010  |  Politics

Clemency for Six Colorado Prisoners Could Serve Justice and Save Millions -- So Why Won't the Gov. Try It?new

To date, Gov. Bill Ritter has issued just two pardons and not a single commutation, a situation that frustrates prisoner advocates.
Westword  |  Alan Prendergast  |  10-26-2009  |  Crime & Justice

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