AltWeeklies Wire
Wallowing in Pessimismnew
Sometimes I feel as if we are starting to relive the narrative told in the pages of William Shirer's, The Rise and Fall of the The Third Reich.
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Lionel Rolfe |
10-09-2009 |
A Voyage To The Eastnew
A few days before President Obama gave his rousing speech on healthcare before Congress, my wife Boryana and I made a journey to the east, visiting relatives inside the Beltway and taking what might possibly be my last look at New York City.
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Lionel Rolfe |
09-11-2009 |
Driving California Off the Edgenew
We should be so lucky as the State of Alaska that our celebrity governor would simply resign at this point. That’s what I think of Sarah Palin’s resignation the other day –– a lucky break, and it’s what I think Schwarzenegger should do after his “line-item veto” ploy that cut another $500 million after the California legislature packed up for summer recess. The Governator claims to be forcing the state to live within its means, but in effect he is driving the Golden State right off the edge. We’d be lucky if he just resigned at this point.
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James Preston Allen |
08-03-2009 |
What We Missed in the Sotomayor Hearingsnew

The media hyped the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings as the must-see event of the summer, but they proved to be underwhelming at best. The hearings were also disappointing for their failure to spur discussion on three topics that were important for the country to hear, weigh and digest.
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Bobby Grace, Deputy District Attorney with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. |
08-03-2009 |
How Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Using the Budget Crisis to Wreck California's Futurenew
Schwarzenegger sees himself as a man with bold, sometimes even liberal ideas who is forced to propose massive budget cuts as a result of a broken government and a deadlocked legislature. The reality the governor is attempting to hide is much different.
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Robert Cruickshank |
07-18-2009 |
My Beef With The Editor Of The L.A. Times Book Reviewnew
Writer, thinker, and cultural critic Lionel Rolfe reflects on L.A.'s literary scene and the slow death of the Los Angeles Times.
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Lionel Rolfe |
07-17-2009 |
Single-Payer Advocates Crashing the Gatesnew
One of the main reasons I am running for Congress is to get single payer health care for all Americans. To push for it, I am running prime-time cable ads round-the-clock on CNN and MSNBC challenging my opponent, longtime incumbent Jane Harman, to sign on to Congressman John Conyers' bill for single-payer.
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Marcy Winograd |
07-05-2009 |
A Few Thoughts On Health Carenew
Let's face it. National health care is no more socialist than say your local elementary school is socialist. Or for that matter no more socialist than our streets, highways, bridges, post offices, sewers or hydroelectric damns are socialist.
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James Preston Allen |
07-05-2009 |
Hate, Taxes and the Expectation of Changenew
This country is not as tolerant nor sophisticated or civilized as we like to believe and yet we criticize other countries for their extremists.
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James Preston Allen |
07-05-2009 |
Policy Issues
Forget Trying To Make Nice With The Priests & Kingsnew
Author and columnist Lionel Rolfe calls on President Obama not to allow progress to stall in the name of bipartisanship. The stakes in the battles that are being fought on health care and other issues are far too high to allow it.
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Lionel Rolfe |
06-23-2009 |
Tags: bipartisanship, Obama
2500 Protest Prop 8 Decision in Long Beachnew
Only 2,500 turned out for the Meet in the Middle Rally when the California Supreme Court upheld proposition 8, but the affirmation of the 18,000 gay marriages that occurred during the 5-month window that gay couple could legally wed remains a beacon of hope.
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Zamna Avila |
06-06-2009 |
Civil Liberties
War, Wealth, Empire and the Obama Presidencynew
Karl Marx insisted that the only real source of wealth is human labor. The ruling classes may have expropriated some of that wealth with their system of paper and electronic bank statements. But at heart, the banking system turned out to be a fraud. Always has been.
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Lionel Rolfe |
05-22-2009 |
A Historic Stalemate Results in a Revolving Door of Crisis in Californianew
California's Democrats and the Republicans can't seem to get their minds around the solutions of paying for a state that dwarfs the economies of all but six countries in the world and that is the most populous state in the union. A new path is necessary.
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James Preston Allen |
05-22-2009 |
Tags: California, recession
The Symmetry of the African American and Gay Struggles for Civil Rightsnew
More needs to be done to integrate the message of equality into an all-inclusive community engagement strategy.
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Nii-Quartelai Quartey |
05-22-2009 |
The $100 Billion Curenew
There are constant cries that the sky is falling, such as the state going bankrupt due to an $8 billion budget deficit, or that the City of Angels will go bankrupt without an increase in parking meter rates by three quarters. The penchant for panic is almost reflexive, but panic doesn’t elicit great decisions.
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James Preston Allen |
05-11-2009 |
Tags: corporate taxes, recession