AltWeeklies Wire
How to Give $1 Million to a Mayoral Candidatenew

Thwart the $1,000 contribution limit with this one weird trick!
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
05-06-2015 |
Tags: campaign finance
What if Nikki Haley Runs for President in 2016?new

South Carolina's hip, young governor has a compelling story. Nikki Haley is the state's first female and minority chief executive, a conservative suburbanite in spike heels with a Dixie drawl.
Charleston City Paper |
Corey Hutchins |
08-15-2013 |
Elizabeth Colbert Busch could rally the Democratic faithful in SC-1 electionnew

For Lowcountry Democrats, 2008 was the election year that got away. In addition to being the year 54 percent of Charleston County voters picked Barack Obama for president, it was the first year in decades that the Democrats put up a serious challenger for South Carolina's District 1 U.S. House seat.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
02-20-2013 |
Tags: Elizabeth Colbert Busch
Was Nikki Haley actually working for Newt Gingrich?new

Reflecting on the South Carolina GOP Primary.
Charleston City Paper |
Dwayne Green |
02-01-2012 |
Newt and Santorum in the Pulpitnew

During a recent Sunday-morning appearance at a North Charleston church, Newt Gingrich went nearly 40 minutes without addressing what is arguably his biggest liability with evangelical voters: his multiple, well-publicized affairs and divorces. Finally, as he wrapped up a talk on the place of Christianity in early American history, he made a passing reference to the topic that was surely on many people's minds.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-26-2012 |
What About the Gay Republican Vote?new

Shortly after the Jan. 10 New Hampshire GOP primary, while candidate tour buses and cable TV news trucks were beating a path down I-95 to South Carolina, Jeff Inglis, the managing editor of the Maine alt-weekly Portland Phoenix, left a voicemail at the City Paper office. He wanted to talk about Mike Heath, a major figure in the Ron Paul campaign who he said was known from his decades in the Pine Tree State as a “rabidly vicious anti-gay hatemonger.”
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-23-2012 |
The Press Corps' Burdennew

White reporters report on white candidates at CNN debate.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
01-20-2012 |
Coming of Age at the CNN Debatenew

Disappointed visitors, jaded reporters, and a failed protest at the North Charleston Coliseum.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-20-2012 |
Two 12-year-old reporters enter the CNN debate spin roomnew

Down in front sit the two youngest reporters in the room, twin siblings Faith and Zach Dalzell of Daniel Island. They are 12 years old.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-19-2012 |
Protesters Glitter-Bomb Santorum Rallynew

On the east bank of the Cooper River, in the chilly shade of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, Santorum appeared alongside Tony Perkins, president of the conservative thinktank Family Research Council. The former Pennsylvania senator was making a clear appeal to conservative values voters, talking about “striking a blow for family and freedom” and upholding nuclear families as “the pillars of society.”
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers and Joshua Curry |
01-19-2012 |
'Ron Paul doesn't kiss babies; babies kiss Ron Paul'new

Texas Congressman Ron Paul drew an audience of hundreds for a talk on the College of Charleston campus Thursday morning.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-19-2012 |
Tags: Elections
Santorum Disses Romney as a 'Moderate'new

The former Pennsylvania senator accused President Barack Obama of “fecklessness” in dealing with the potential of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-17-2012 |
Rick Perry proposes to make Washington inconsequentialnew

Rick Perry's Unique Ideas: Eliminating earmarks. Making Congress a part-time job.
Charleston City Paper |
Rick Perry |
01-11-2012 |
Morals and economy are linked according to Rick Santorumnew

Rick Santorum's Unique Ideas: Telling Iran to open its nuclear weapon facilities for inspection, under the threat of bombing. Rejecting climate change science.
Charleston City Paper |
Rick Santorum |
01-11-2012 |
Ron Paul's Government Guillotinenew

Ron Paul's Unique Ideas: Adopting a non-interventionist foreign policy. Making massive cuts in federal government, including the elimination of the Department of Education. Eliminating the income, capital gains, and death taxes.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
01-11-2012 |