AltWeeklies Wire

The Real Paul Ryannew

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan got booed at the AARP meeting last week while he tried to explain that his plan for Medicare—and his desire to repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA)—would actually help seniors.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  09-27-2012  |  Politics

Wisc. Republicans Change Recall Rules in the Middle of the Gamenew

Judge Mac Davis, a former Republican legislator, orders the Government Accountability Board to check all of the signatures for duplicates or other anomalies, shifting responsibility from Gov. Scott Walker to the state.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  01-18-2012  |  Politics

Will the Election Be Fair in Wisconsin?new

Wisconsin voters are expected to turn out in unprecedented numbers for the Nov. 4 election. And that has created some concern about the integrity of such a high-stakes election in a state that has had razor-thin winning margins in recent presidential elections.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  10-24-2008  |  Politics

Two of Obama's Foreign Policy Advisers Offer a Glimpse at His Worldviewnew

Retired Adm. John Nathman and national security expert Sarah Sewall discuss how the Democrat would lead the United States in war and in peace.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  10-03-2008  |  Politics

McCain Campaign Co-Chair Tries to Disenfranchise Wisconsin Votersnew

In 2008, it looks like Republicans will once again do anything to win, but this time Wisconsinites may have a front-row seat to all of their shenanigans and attempts to suppress the vote, if a lawsuit filed by Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is any indication.
Shepherd Express  |  Cory Liebmann  |  09-19-2008  |  Politics

Wisconsin's Latinos Could Decide the Electionnew

State figures show that only 35 percent of about 100,000 eligible Latino voters in Wisconsin are registered to vote, and just 33 percent actually vote on Election Day. Voces de la Frontera is working to turn that around.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  08-08-2008  |  Politics

Responding to Energy Crisis, John McCain Goes Nuclearnew

McCain has announced a number of controversial ways to solve this nation's energy crisis. Along with suggesting offshore drilling and supporting big tax write-offs for big oil, McCain has also called for building up to 100 additional nuclear facilities within the United States.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  06-27-2008  |  Politics

Obama's Grassroots Ground Gamenew

Barack Obama's path to the White House is being created out of his experience as a community organizer in Chicago, a nontraditional route to power that harnesses the grassroots, empowers individuals to find their strengths and builds communities around attainable goals.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  06-27-2008  |  Politics

Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against Bushnew

The House voted to send the articles to the House Judiciary Committee, headed by Rep. John Conyers, who has said that while the administration has committed impeachable offenses and felonies, he does not believe that Democrats should pursue impeachment proceedings.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  06-20-2008  |  Politics

Congressman Paul Ryan's 'Roadmap for America' Is a Dead Endnew

Unlike many in Congress, Ryan at least is putting the energy into laying out a plan. But fresh thinking it is not. Unfortunately, Ryan's road map is the same old far-right-wing agenda that has been promoted by conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Club for Growth.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis  |  06-13-2008  |  Politics

McCain Gaffes on Iraq at Local Eventnew

At an event in Greendale, Wisconsin, McCain made factual errors about the Iraq War.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  06-06-2008  |  Politics

The McCain Campaign's Ties to Burma's Military Regimenew

McCain personally selected Doug Goodyear to organize this summer's Republican convention. But Goodyear resigned last week, after Newsweek reported that the consultant's company helped create a positive image of Burma's military junta in the U.S. Goodyear's associate Doug Davenport, also resigned from McCain's campaign after news of the DCI-Myanmar-McCain connection surfaced.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  05-23-2008  |  Politics

McCain Promises to Appoint Ultraconservative Supreme Court Justicesnew

"Elections have consequences," McCain said last week. "One of the consequences is the president of the United States gets to name his or her nominees to the bench." That statement sent a shiver down the spines of many voters, not only because Bush has tipped the U.S. Supreme Court decidedly to the right, but because Justice John Paul Stevens just turned 88 years old.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  05-16-2008  |  Politics

John McCain's Evangelical Supporters are Scarynew

Sen. Barack Obama's connection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright has dominated the political conversation in recent weeks. But that has blotted out information about Republican nominee John McCain's support from religious leaders who also hold controversial views.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  05-09-2008  |  Politics

National Voter Registration Group Causes Chaosnew

The group's goal seems admirable enough -- to register some of the millions of unmarried women who aren't engaged in the political process so that they can vote in the 2008 primaries and general election. Unfortunately, the efforts of Women's Voices. Women Vote. is causing chaos and confusion in the states they've targeted, including Wisconsin.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  05-09-2008  |  Politics

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