AltWeeklies Wire

The Real Paul Ryannew

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan got booed at the AARP meeting last week while he tried to explain that his plan for Medicare—and his desire to repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA)—would actually help seniors.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  09-27-2012  |  Politics

A Gonzo Guide to the Republican National Conventionnew

Forty years after Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72, the Republican National Convention returns to Florida. On August 30, Mitt Romney will don a sleek suit and flash his Vaseline smile to a sea of pale-skinned delegates in Tampa. He will compliment the city on hosting the four-day, $123 million orgiastic event. And he will implore the crowd to obey the banners hung from the rafters: "Believe in America."
Westword  |  Michael E. Miller  |  08-24-2012  |  Politics

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