AltWeeklies Wire

Radioactive Cocktailnew

As Japan's Fukushima Daiichi reminds us, spent fuel rods remain ‘hot’ for generations to come.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Ed Smeloff  |  04-01-2011  |  Disasters

In Seismic Shocknew

It's hard to know how to process the apocalyptic images coming from Japan.
NOW Magazine  |  Eli K. Priest  |  03-22-2011  |  Disasters

Central Asian Tsunami Will Be 100 Times Worse Than Japan

The earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan last week has killed at least 10,000 people. The coming inland tsunami in Central Asia will be 100 times worse—and it's avoidable.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-16-2011  |  Disasters

Flooded & Forgottennew

A Nashville neighborhood fights the lingering effects — psychological and physical ­— of last May’s devastation.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  02-03-2011  |  Disasters

BP Oil Disaster Takes Emotional Toll on Coastal Residentsnew

A Gallup Poll released Sept 28 found a direct correlation between emotional health and Gulf Coast residents' proximity to the BP oil disaster.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman  |  10-08-2010  |  Disasters

Our San Bruno?new

In the wake of the San Bruno disaster, the absence of highly at-risk gas pipelines shows the inadequacy of PG&E's list of trouble spots.
North Coast Journal  |  Katie Worth  |  09-24-2010  |  Disasters

Heckuva Comeback, 'Brownie'new

Ex-FEMA boss Michael Brown talks about his return to New Orleans for the 5th anniversary of Katrina.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  08-25-2010  |  Disasters

Was BP Money Allocated Without Following Alabama Governor’s Orders?new

After the state of Alabama received $25 million in grant money from BP for oil spill response efforts, Gov. Bob Riley called on two state legislators in each of Mobile and Baldwin Counties to oversee, endorse and ensure allocations of roughly $10 million to each county went smoothly.
Lagniappe  |  Peter Teske  |  07-27-2010  |  Disasters

The Horror: A Bird's-Eye View of the Spillnew

“As soon as you get out there, it fucking punches you in the gut,” said Vancouver photographer Kris Krug. “Unless you are out there near the source, up in the air, it is hard to really imagine the scope [of the BP oil spill]."
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  06-23-2010  |  Disasters

Drills, Baby, Drillsnew

Preparing for an oil spill requires staying in practice and investing in prevention.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rebecca Bowe  |  05-20-2010  |  Disasters

Gulf Seafood Threatened By Oil Spillnew

The Gulf of Mexico is as central to Louisiana's food heritage as any cuisine or chef.
Gambit  |  Ian McNulty  |  05-12-2010  |  Disasters

The Heart and Hell of Haitinew

One writer’s journey into the aftermath.
Orlando Weekly  |  Dee Rivers  |  05-11-2010  |  Disasters

Homeless are the Forgotten Victims in Nashville Floodnew

In a natural disaster, they say, all zip codes are equal. Be that as it may, Nashville's homeless people are likely to suffer more than most from the flood.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  05-05-2010  |  Disasters

Doctor Sees No Rest for the Needed in Haitinew

An endless demand for medical care paired with slow-arriving supplies complicate health care efforts in post-earthquake Haiti.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Anthony Lane  |  04-15-2010  |  Disasters

Disaster Experts Debate Three Different Methods of Dealing With an Earthquakenew

Following major earthquakes in different regions of the world, three explanations of what to do if you are in a building during an earthquake have emerged. But which is the best approach?
Pasadena Weekly  |  Justin Chapman  |  03-15-2010  |  Disasters

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