AltWeeklies Wire

Cartoon: Exit Interview - Van Jonesnew

Finally, it turns out that the Obama White House had a liberal working there. Fortunately, he's been rooted out and summarily fired.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-08-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Afghanistan? No Matternew

Remember how Japan and Germany turned lemons into lemonade after World War II? By building new industrial infrastructure on the tabla rasa of total destruction. Now it's the Afghans' turn. Between US airstrikes and Taliban suicide bombing, there will soon be no matter left in Afghanistan.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-07-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: The New New Worldnew

What would old-time adventurers have done if they had faced the same fearful climate we face today? Try to get anything new off the ground, and everyone is willing to talk, but no one has the guts to put their money on the line. Instead, you get fed a line about the Internet, social networking, and the like. Will anything ever get done in the future?
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-05-2009  |  Cartoons

Animated Cartoon: Mercenary Madnessnew

Recent news reveals that the US government has been using Blackwater USA (now called Xe) to do everything from assassinate Al Qaeda members to load Hellfire missiles onto Predator drone planes in Pakistan. What next for the firm that does everything? New animated editorial cartoon by Ted Rall and David Essman goes there.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-04-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Swine Flu Scammingnew

Some expert scientists say that half of the U.S. population could be infected with swine flu this winter. But there's good news: Since the only way the government will treat you for free is when there's a newsworthy epidemic, this might work out to a form of de facto health insurance! We certainly won't be getting anything out of the Obama Administration.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-03-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: The Furtive Economynew

Everyone is unemployed. Why is the economy doing well? There may be an explanation to be found in the natural world.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-31-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: While You Were Off Fighting in Afghanistannew

As Barack Obama appears to follow LBJ as a president hellbent on screwing up his own domestic agenda in order to get bogged down in another president's unwinnable war, one can only wonder what the hell he is thinking.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-28-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: What a Difference White Skin Makesnew

What kind of country locks of terror suspects on the slimmest of pretexts while failing to lift a finger to protect its (African-American) president? A very, very sick one.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-28-2009  |  Cartoons

Animated Cartoon: E Stultus Unum

What if the left were able to motivate stupid and ignorant people as effectively as conservatives did at the town hall meetings on health care?

Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-25-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: The Global War Against Global Warmingnew

First they sent the military to "help" (i.e., shoot) hurricane victims in Katrina. They they sent them to "help" tsunami victims in South Asia. Now they're using the troops to take on climate change. Really.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-24-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: In the Year 2525new

In the year 2525, as the old song goes, we'll still be putting up with Boomer nostalgia about Woodstock.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-21-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Obamaman vs. Rightzillanew

The right wing didn't kill healthcare. Obama argued against himself so long that he finally won.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-18-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Honduran Hypocrisynew

Obama accuses his critics on Honduras. In the past, he says, critics complained that the US replaced democratically-elected leaders in Latin America with dictators. Now that a dictator has supplanted a democratically-elected president in Honduras, the US is refusing to lift a finger. Our new lack of involvement on behalf of a dictator, in other words, marks a departure from our previous involvement on behalf of dictators. Obama: the new Bush of logic.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-13-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Wimpy Harrynew

The Cambridge cop who arrested Professor Gates whined that Gates insulted his "mama." Whatever happened to tough cops?
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-29-2009  |  Cartoons

Lawrence Summers is Googling While America Burnsnew

This animated cartoon mocks Lawrence Summers' remark that we can tell the economy is doing better because fewer people are Googling "economic collapse."
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-29-2009  |  Cartoons

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