AltWeeklies Wire

Cruel Intentions: The Supreme Court's Impact on Dogfighting Videosnew

A recent Supreme Court decision had the effect of protecting videos depicting extreme animal torture.
Hartford Advocate  |  Daniel D’Ambrosio  |  06-03-2010  |  Animal Issues

The Humane Society and Big Agriculture Slug It Out Over Animal Rightsnew

On one side: a phalanx of corporation- and family-owned farms that operate on large economies of scale, raising 10 billion animals a year. On the opposite side: the Humane Society, founded as a protector for all animals, from dogs and cats to seals and whales to hens and cattle.
Riverfront Times  |  Kristen Hinman  |  04-15-2010  |  Animal Issues

A SeaWorld Ethics Primernew

Animal captivity for food, entertainment, and educational purposes is undeniably a fundamental feature of human civilizations everywhere, and SeaWorld has undeniably fostered a new public awareness of the beauty and grace of its show animals. At the same time, there are compelling reasons to challenge a marine-park industry that may no longer meet our criteria for civilized stewardship of the planet's wildlife.
San Antonio Current  |  Jeffrey Wright  |  04-14-2010  |  Animal Issues

The Plight of the Hawaiian Monk Sealnew

Hawaiian Monk Seals have swum the oceans for millions of years, even pre-dating the formation of the main Hawaiian Islands. Now, though federally protected under the Endangered Species Act, these marine mammals are imperiled, with the long-term survival of the species uncertain.
Maui Time  |  Rob Parsons  |  04-12-2010  |  Animal Issues

Puppy 2.0: A Trip to the Canine Semen Banknew

Lidos Tequila Sunrise, a Vegas champion poodle, is one of roughly 400 dogs who have semen stored at the International Canine Semen Bank of Nevada, and is the only one of its kind in the state. The entire operation fits into a back room at the vet’s clinic, where samples are stored in one of six waist-high metal tanks.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Abigail Goldman  |  04-08-2010  |  Animal Issues

This Monkey Died For You: Animal Researchers Fire Back at Their Criticsnew

In an hour-long interview with Willamette Week, Oregon Health & Science University spokesman Jim Newman lays out the school’s justification for animal research while blasting both the tactics and beliefs of animal rights activists.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin and Mark Zusman  |  03-31-2010  |  Animal Issues

Suspicious Zoo Deaths Linked to Violent Orangutannew

Officials at Hogle Zoo, under fire for the skyrocketing mortality rates for their animal inmates, announced that a Bornean orangutan named Talukan, had been elevated to the status of prime suspect in the mysterious deaths last January of zebras Taji and Monty.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  D.P. Sorensen  |  03-30-2010  |  Animal Issues

The Dark Past Of An Elephants' Oasis In The Mother Lodenew

Author Lionel Rolfe interviewed Pat Derby and Ark2000 reflecting on the plight of the earth's largest animals in captivity.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  03-22-2010  |  Animal Issues

Maybe it's Time for Philadelphia to Consider Banning Pit Bullsnew

On the weekend of Feb. 19, there were three serious pit bull attacks across Philadelphia. A 52-year-old woman nearly lost her left hand to one of the dogs. Ten-year-old Philip Sheriff was found facedown on a ballfield, his right arm almost severed.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jacob Lambert  |  03-15-2010  |  Animal Issues

An Equine Abuse Case Shocked Tennessee and Legislation is Meeting Resistancenew

The colt could barely stand, was too weak to walk and likely hadn’t eaten since birth. His malnourished mother had no milk to feed him. The starving colt was among 84 horses rescued from a farm in Cannon County last November.
Nashville Scene  |  Christine Kreyling  |  03-12-2010  |  Animal Issues

Whaling Proposal Harpoons International Debatenew

The International Whaling Commission proposes to legalize commercial whaling... in order to reduce illegal whaling. Despite a 1986 international ban on for-profit whale hunting, which left open a loophole for scientific whaling, Iceland, Norway and Japan have kept at it in relatively plain view.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  03-04-2010  |  Animal Issues

Jean-Michel Cousteau Speaks About the Risks of Keeping Cetaceans in Captivitynew

Jean-Michel Cousteau of Santa Barbara’s Ocean Futures Society sat down with The Independent on Friday to discuss this week's death of Florida SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau. He explained why freeing “jailed” marine mammals is not as easy as it may sound.
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Tyler Hayden  |  03-01-2010  |  Animal Issues

Critics say NASA is Taking a Giant Leap Backwards By Irradiating Monkeys in Space-Travel Testsnew

Eighteen monkeys sit in cages at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, where they will be injected with gamma radiation by scientists who contend that the results can be correlated to humans facing long outer space flights through fields of intense cosmic radiation.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Michael Collins  |  03-01-2010  |  Animal Issues

UC Santa Cruz Researcher Finds Albatross Tragedynew

Myra Finkelstein has discovered that lead paint chips from an abandoned U.S. Navy base on the Midway Atoll are poisoning thousands of albatross chicks each year. Her latest study shows that the disease droopwing is causing a substantive drop in the Laysan albatross population worldwide.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Curtis Cartier  |  02-03-2010  |  Animal Issues

Breeding Trouble in North Texasnew

In the August heat, more than 500 dogs sweltered in un-air-conditioned kennels on a farm near the town of Mabank in Kaufman County. They panted in wire cages stacked atop one another, fleas swarming, many of the dogs sick, most of them filthy. Near the gate across the gravel drive, part of a dog's skeleton lay like an omen.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Sarah Perry  |  02-03-2010  |  Animal Issues

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