AltWeeklies Wire
Rethinking Liberal Arts in the Digital Agenew
They didn't teach genderfuck, iteration, or micropolitics when I was in college. But times have changed. And nowadays, they maybe should consider it. At least so says Tim Carmody, who, along with his co-proprietors of the blog Snarkmarket and a coterie of other Web-based deep thinkers, has put together a book called The New Liberal Arts.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
07-23-2009 |
Help Is On the Way For Student Borrowersnew
Each month, with miserable certitude, the snail-mailboxes of middle-class twenty- and thirtysomethings are stuffed with student-loan bills, from both federal and private lenders. The balance seems to remain stagnant, even as we mail in check after check. But a new federal program that went into effect on July 1 aims to help overburdened student borrowers.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-09-2009 |
Straight From Law School to Unemploymentnew
After spending $120,000 on a law-school education, this year's grads' best options are with Nervous, Stressed, and Depressed, LLC.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
04-30-2009 |
Tags: law school, recession
The Science of Profanitynew
Timothy Jay, PhD, is a goddamn expert, and in a newly published study he alleges it's a fucking tragedy that so many academics don't give two shits about how and why we curse.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
04-09-2009 |
On American Campuses, Esperanto is an Extracurricular Languagenew

A recent Tuesday night meeting of the MIT Esperanto Club attracted four bookish-looking guys, chatting confidently in a language that sounds not unlike some weird mashed-up version of the Romances, with a dash of something possibly Slavic.
Boston Phoenix |
Eva Wolchover |
01-12-2009 |
Funds Cut for Campus Assault Preventionnew
Combating sexual assault is especially tough if your workspace is the size of a professional basketball player's shoebox.
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman |
12-12-2008 |
The Biz-School Widow's Lamentnew

It's hard to become a full member of the club when you're branded an academic "other."
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman and Kara Baskin |
10-21-2008 |
Right Wingers on Campusnew
At America's colleges, even the dangerously misguided have a right to be heard.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
10-21-2008 |
Wiccans Go to Collegenew

Campus witches have no brooms, no bleeding goats. Just cookies. Sorry.
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman |
10-21-2008 |
Are US Universities Selling Out to Oil Nations?new

The well-born-and-bred children of well-heeled oil billionaires no longer have to wander far from the royal palace to do some learning -- they can get an American degree right at home and big-name schools open campuses by the Persian Gulf.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
09-25-2008 |
You'll Pay More To Borrow for College in Massachusettsnew
One day before tuition bills came due, the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) announced it had no money to loan. What does this mean for students? The price of college credit just went up.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
08-14-2008 |
Tags: Education
Triple Helpings of Course Requirements Can Ruin Your College Experiencenew

With a job market as unpredictable as Lindsay Lohan's sobriety, some students have decided the secret to succeeding after college may be to place their academic eggs in as many baskets as possible. Why are so many students taking on so much?
Boston Phoenix |
Meredith Hassett |
08-14-2008 |
You Too Can Tap into People's Unconscious for a Livingnew
All it takes is an adult-ed course in hypnotherapy.
Boston Phoenix |
Neely Steinberg |
05-01-2008 |
Tags: Education, hypnotherapy
Nowhere To Hide: College Gossip Blogs Exposednew

College detours into nymphomania and hedonism once were confined to campus. Today, internet gossip sites are turning nobodies into quasi-celebrities, snoopy students into paparazzi, and student journalists into gods who can make or break reputations.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
05-01-2008 |
Your Degree Is Obsoletenew
In a mercurial job market, your college diploma may be useless before commencement's over. How can colleges prepare students for careers that haven't been invented?
Boston Phoenix |
F.S. Wolfe |
05-01-2008 |