AltWeeklies Wire

A Right-Leaning Supreme Court Would be Pushed Further Right by McCainnew

Of the moderate four justices, three are thought likely to leave the court in the next few years. John McCain has said that if he wins, he'll appoint judges in the mold of Roberts and Alito. That means we could have a hard right, 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court by 2011 or earlier. How would that make you feel?
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  07-08-2008  |  Commentary

Forget Post-9/11, Get Ready for the Post-Obama Eranew

There have been generations of children who have bitterly told their parents -- and themselves -- that they had no real chance to make it, because they were black. I like to think that if Obama wins in November -- and maybe even if he doesn't -- that no little black kid will ever be able to say that with a straight face again.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-17-2008  |  Commentary

The Dems Finally Get it Right on Michigannew

Ironically, Michigan, which wanted to be first, had its delegates finally awarded almost last.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-10-2008  |  Commentary

On the Promising Candidacy of Barack Obamanew

Now there is a sense of possibility, of hope, of something changing the dreariness.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-03-2008  |  Commentary

Barack Obama and Bobby Kennedynew

There has been one -- only one -- candidate in my lifetime who was a lot like Barack Obama. Someone who could have changed the country and the world for the better. He too was a young first-term senator and everyone said he wasn't ready to run for president yet. But he ran anyway. He didn't want to, but he knew he had to.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  05-20-2008  |  Commentary

Why Michigan's 'Green Energy' Bills are a Shamnew

The state's elected leaders have already quietly rammed a package of bills through the House that are deceptively referred to as the "green energy bills." But the bills don't specify any penalty if the utilities miss their targets, as has happened with other "clean energy" mandates. What they clearly do is shift $70 million in annual energy costs from business to homeowners.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  05-13-2008  |  Commentary

Rev. Wright & the Truthnew

We have a duty to ourselves to listen to the real Jeremiah Wright, to try to understand this complex mix that is America. He puts the patriotism of most politicians to shame.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  05-01-2008  |  Commentary

Why Jack Kevorkian Shouldn't Run for Officenew

The odds are heavily against Dr. Kevorkian getting on the ballot, let alone getting elected.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  04-08-2008  |  Commentary

The Promise of Barack Obama's Big Speechnew

This is one of those turning points in American history. We can choose one of two mostly failed visions of the past, those offered by John McCain and the Clintons. Or we can try hard to be what Barack Obama is -- the bridge to the 21st century.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  04-01-2008  |  Commentary

Hillary Rodham Nixonnew

Yes, Tricky Dick has a disciple -- someone just as ruthless and unlikable.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessneberry  |  03-18-2008  |  Commentary

Just Go: Why Detroit's Mayor Should Step Downnew

One political observer used to tell people Kwame Kilpatrick could be mayor as long as he wanted. Now he's not so sure.
Metro Times  |  Staff  |  03-04-2008  |  Commentary

The Real GOPnew

Michigan Republicans: Bust unions, outlaw abortion.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  02-26-2008  |  Commentary

Stealing Obama's Votesnew

Hillary Clinton is trying to get Michigan votes on the cheap and by cheating.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessneberry  |  02-19-2008  |  Commentary

If Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Cared About Detroit, He'd Resignnew

Any sane person would conclude that, for the sake of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick needs to resign or be removed. Right now.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  02-12-2008  |  Commentary

The Bradley Effectnew

Despite Obama's success, it seems white America still won't vote black.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  01-29-2008  |  Commentary

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