AltWeeklies Wire
Waste Notnew

Silicon Valley has joined a nationwide push to feed the hungry with uneaten food that would otherwise end up in landfills.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jennifer Wadsworth |
12-11-2015 |
Meat-Eaters Help Launch a New Front in the Slow-Food Movementnew

By the time Peter Licht pulled into Devil's Gulch Ranch to pick up his pig, four lambs had already been slaughtered. Mobile butcher John Taylor made quick work of them, gutting and cleaning each animal in about 15 minutes.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
03-07-2010 |
A New Program by Slow Food USA Seeks to Improve School Lunchesnew
As school starts again for students over the next few weeks, the time is right to demand a school-lunch program that benefits kids rather than one that gives agribusiness a place to dump its surplus, publicly subsidized commodities.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
08-21-2009 |
Can California's Wineries Survive When Everyone's Buying Cheap Imports?new

Once the money flowed freely, but economic struggles and shrinking distribution are becoming a huge buzz kill for Northern California's acclaimed wine country.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jessica Fromm |
01-09-2009 |
Tomato Time is Here: Take Advantage of the Freshnessnew
Eat 'em like crazy while they're fresh, and then freeze or can the rest. You'll feel smug as you take tomatoes from your freezer in December and make a marinara worth remembering. You'll never, ever consume a shipped, out-of-season tomato again.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Christina Waters |
08-21-2008 |
Five Things to Love About Summer Foodnew
The summer eating season is in full swing. Here's what I eat to make the most of it.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
07-24-2008 |
How Gilroy Turned a Garlic into the Country's Biggest Food Festivalnew

Today, garlic is as common in food as salt and pepper, but it wasn't always that way. Includes a recipe for babaghanouj.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
07-17-2008 |
Tasting Thymenew
Artichoke to Za'atar: Modern Middle Eastern Food is as good for reading as it is for cooking.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Michael S. Gant |
04-03-2008 |
Does the Pig in the Slaughterhouse Give a Fuck if You're Grateful to It?new
The current trendy focus on sustainable and organic meat, coupled with the recent horrific revelations about Westland Meat Company, indicate that people are thinking about it more than ever. That's a good thing. Killing sentient creatures for pleasure, gustatory or not, still isn't.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Elisa Camahort |
03-20-2008 |
Save a Carrot ... Eat a Steaknew
It isn't yet politically correct to eat meat, but it is a lot less politically incorrect. The back-to-the-pasture movement is letting carnivores feel good about themselves again.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Christina Waters |
03-20-2008 |
Uncommon Groundnew
Centered up in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Silicon Valley's wine country is anything but typical. Which is why it's no surprise that it has become well known for its distinctive pinot noir, winemaking's best-known maverick grape.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
01-31-2008 |
5 Things to Love: Trader Joe's Foods I Always Buynew
I'm always amazed how far my money goes at Trader Joe's. Here are five of my favorite T.J. buys.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
01-17-2008 |
5 Things to Lovenew
Food products you should make at home.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Cheryl Sternman Rule |
01-10-2008 |
Live Feed: Eat These Books!new
If I could eat cookbooks, I would. What if they had scratch-and-sniff pages? Then I'd really be in trouble. Here are three to buy for someone special, or to read (or eat) on your own.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Cheryl Sternman Rule |
12-13-2007 |
Tech Giants Spur an Agricultural Rebirthnew
Companies like Google, Yahoo and eBay, committed to providing local produce to their employees, have helped Silicon Valley farmers make a comeback.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Stett Holbrook |
10-25-2007 |