AltWeeklies Wire

Feeding the Monsternew

From the forthcoming book: Border Patrol Nation: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Homeland Security by Todd Miller.
Tucson Weekly  |  Todd Miller  |  03-18-2014  |  Excerpts

An Excerpt From "Son of a Gun"new

Soon after we learned that our mother was dead, my brother and I went to a bar. We'd already worked the phones. Josh had called our grandparents, who'd been divorced for forty years but both still lived in Philadelphia...
Tucson Weekly  |  Justin St. Germain  |  09-03-2013  |  Excerpts

Kissing Oscar Wildenew

Jade Sylvan is an award-winning poet, author, performance artist, yoga teacher, and bon vivant based in Cambridge. Or as she puts it: “Troubadour, Eschatologist, Bum.” Her latest book, Kissing Oscar Wilde: A Love Story in the City of Light is out October 3—here’s a sneak peek at the first few chapters.
Dig Boston  |  Jade Sylvan  |  08-14-2013  |  Excerpts

Crazy Enoughnew

Getting off, snorting up and wrestling with family demons—excerpts from Storm Large’s new memoir.
Willamette Week  |  Storm Large  |  01-04-2012  |  Excerpts

The Whore of Akronnew

A displaced Clevelander honors his hometown by stalking the man who spurned it.
Cleveland Scene  |  Scott Raab  |  11-09-2011  |  Excerpts

The Sierra God Machinenew

This is an excerpt from Lionel Rolfe’s unpublished novel, “The Misadventures of Ari Mendelsohn,” a novel of the ‘60s.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  07-29-2011  |  Excerpts

The Truth Has Set Her Freenew

What Oregon's "resident contrarian" says about politics, race and battling depression. An excerpt from Avel Gordly's memoir.
Willamette Week  |  Avel Gordly  |  03-30-2011  |  Excerpts

How to Land the Lead in Warhol's Only Playnew

Lick Me: How I Became Cherry Vanilla, "takes us on a journey from the birth of rock to the explosion of punk . . . with memorable detours through the sexual revolution, the women's liberation movement, and the Theater of the Ridiculous."
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Cherry Vanilla  |  02-01-2011  |  Excerpts

Acid Christnew

Excerpts of the unauthorized biography of Ken Kesey.
Willamette Week  |  Mark Christensen and Aaron Mesh  |  11-10-2010  |  Excerpts

The Misadventures of Ari Mendelsohnnew

This is the first chapter from the picaresque novel by noted author and journalist Lionel Rolfe, which recounts the sexual and political travails of the irascible, blacklisted title character, a reporter still harboring his besieged idealistic belief in humanity's innate goodness and America's dubious potential for good amid a reality of avarice, pragmatism, cynicism, and materialism.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  11-04-2010  |  Excerpts

The Secret World of Day Laborersnew

Day laborers are among the most exploited and vulnerable workers in the American economic system, yet they perform some of the most necessary — and dirty — jobs. Dick Reavis, a veteran journalist, chronicles his experiences working as a 62-year-old day laborer.
INDY Week  |  Dick J. Reavis  |  02-19-2010  |  Excerpts

Book Excerpt: 'Shake the Devil Off'new

In this exclusive excerpt from his new book Shake the Devil Off, Brown examines the last hours of the life of Zackery Bowen, who killed and dismembered his girlfriend, bartender Addie Hall, before leaping to his death from the top of a French Quarter hotel in October 2006.
Gambit  |  Ethan Brown  |  08-31-2009  |  Excerpts

A la Recherche du Taco Bellnew

Dinner, tonight, is the unthinkable: a Taco Bell Original Taco and Burrito Supreme, abominations that haven't profaned this chowhound's palate since I was a kid in Southern California, birthplace of fast food.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Mark Dery  |  10-01-2008  |  Excerpts

An Excerpt From 'The Possible City' by Nathanial Popkinnew

Popkin is writer-in-residence at Philadelphia University. This is excerpted from his new book, The Possible City: Exercises in Dreaming Philadelphia, published by Camino Books in August 2008.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Nathaniel Popkin  |  09-09-2008  |  Excerpts

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