AltWeeklies Wire

Charleston Startup Competes With Craigslistnew, the brainchild of a recent College of Charleston graduate, lets you hire people to do Foxruns — tasks like walking your dog, adding calligraphy to your wedding invitations, teaching your kid how to swim, or organizing your office — on an hourly or room-by-room basis.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  07-15-2011  |  Business & Labor

Deals Du Journew

Groupon, Living Social and the other daily-deal sites: Good or bad for business?
Gambit  |  Lauren LaBorde  |  06-28-2011  |  Business & Labor

Boeing's Decision to Move Has Turned Into a Legal Nightmarenew

Last week, South Carolina's top politicians gathered together to celebrate the official opening of Boeing's Dreamliner plant in North Charleston. But this week, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will conduct hearings in the city on a lawsuit filed by the National Labor Relations Board against the airline manufacturer. At issue is whether Boeing illegally retaliated against its unionized workforce in Washington state by building a second Dreamliner plant in North Charleston, a move that will create an estimated 3,800 new jobs in South Carolina.
Charleston City Paper  |  Corey Hutchins  |  06-17-2011  |  Business & Labor

Bare Minimumnew

Do sheltered workshops teach the disabled skills for the workplace or exploit them for cheap labor?
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeff Gore  |  06-16-2011  |  Business & Labor


Groupon and LivingSocial work for consumers, but local restaurants offer mixed reviews.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Matthew Schniper  |  06-16-2011  |  Business & Labor

Groupon's Secretnew

Are misleading online ads the secret to Groupon's success? And is Google implicated?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  06-15-2011  |  Business & Labor

Tilting at Windmillsnew

Cleveland may win the race to build offshore turbines, but why have others stopped trying?
Cleveland Scene  |  Maude L. Campbell  |  06-15-2011  |  Business & Labor

Portland's Iconic Stumptown Coffee is Sold to Investment Firmnew

Stumptown Coffee, the iconic and fiercely independent company that helped define coffee in Portland, has been sold to a New York investment firm.
Willamette Week  |  Ruth Brown  |  06-06-2011  |  Business & Labor

Wine & Powernew

Just how influential is the wine-industry lobby in California?
Sacramento News & Review  |  Anthony Pignataro  |  05-19-2011  |  Business & Labor

Cleveland's Job Machinenew

Global Cleveland wants to put the region to work. Who gets the jobs isn't clear.
Cleveland Scene  |  John Lasker  |  05-18-2011  |  Business & Labor

When the World Inevitably Falls Apart, Look to Sam Andy to Keep You Fednew

This Earth Day it's time to honor an unsung hero that's been trying to save our asses for more than half a century.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Matthew Schniper  |  04-21-2011  |  Business & Labor

Could Too Much Gaming Create Problems for Ohio's Casinos?new

Ohio is considering whether to expand gaming through digital slot machines at Ohio's racetracks, a move that would amount to an overnight Cinderella switch, turning cash-bleeding racetracks into slot parlors, or "racinos," in industry-speak
Cleveland Scene  |  Kyle Swenson  |  04-13-2011  |  Business & Labor

Pa. Unions Keeping Watchnew

Wisconsin labor issues have Pennsylvania unions on high alert.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Lauren Daley  |  03-07-2011  |  Business & Labor

The Increasingly Hostile World Of Wisconsin's Civil Servantsnew

A look at the backlash against Wisconsin state employees and their unions.
Isthmus  |  Marc Eisen  |  12-20-2010  |  Business & Labor

Harvest of Hopenew

Against all odds, Florida's Coalition of Immokalee Workers is changing the agricultural industry.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeff Gore  |  12-08-2010  |  Business & Labor

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