AltWeeklies Wire

We Eat The Lunch Randy Moss Dissednew

For about $9, Tinucci's offers dinners that include a choice of meat and two sides, often scooped up by a cute, gray-haired lady. And, yes, Randy, the food is not fancy, but that's the genre. Wake up and smell the watered-down coffee.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  11-05-2010  |  Food+Drink

How Anonymous Online Reviews are Affecting Twin Cities Eateriesnew

Negative anonymous reviews are murky territory. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, certainly, but many restaurateurs say they have received criticism they felt was false, unfair, or malicious -- which they had little ability to correct or refute.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  11-25-2009  |  Food+Drink

Manners 101: Etiquette Queen Angelyn Davis Gives it to Us Straightnew

I don't think of myself as a particularly ill-mannered rube, but for someone who eats out for a living, my tableside comportment is, frankly, a bit lacking. I have discovered the hard way that manners do matter.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  09-30-2009  |  Culture

My Experiment With Living Off the Land in Minneapolisnew

Teresa Marrone, who wrote Abundantly Wild: Collecting and Cooking Wild Edibles in the Upper Midwest, had agreed to assist me in my attempt to spend a day living off the land in the Twin Cities. When I first asked her if my conceit was possible, she replied, "Oh gosh, yeah -- but it won't be exactly what you wanted to eat."
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  07-29-2009  |  Food+Drink

My Worm Compost Bin Produces a Great Garden ... and a Clear Consciencenew

Why would anyone willingly keep hundreds of worms in her kitchen? Because the United States produces more than 30 million tons of organic waste each year, and when that material ends up in either the incinerator or the landfill, it creates far more problems than benefits.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  07-08-2009  |  Gardening

A New School of Microbreweries Crops Up in Minnesotanew

Brau Brothers, Flat Earth, and Lift Bridge try their hand at estate beers, fruit-infused concoctions, and ... the "Facemeltor"?
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  05-14-2009  |  Food+Drink

Underground Dinner Parties Add Mystery to Bored Diners' Schedulesnew

Paired is a series of underground dinner parties in which a chef partners with an artist and creates a meal inspired by the artist's work.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  03-13-2009  |  Food+Drink

Twin Cities Restaurateurs Tell Saucy Tales of Frisky Foodiesnew

A restaurant's amorous ambiance can create challenges when it inspires "over-romantic" behavior.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  02-11-2009  |  Food+Drink

Long Cheng Livestock Market Slays Your Meal in Front of Younew

A St. Paul slaughterhouse lets you watch as your dinner is butchered.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  02-04-2009  |  Food+Drink

Spam: It's Not Just for Inboxes Anymorenew

Just in time for the recession, let's take a look at all the wondrous ways to eat Spam.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  12-03-2008  |  Food+Drink

With Honeycrisp's Patent Expiring, U of Minnesota Looks for a New Applenew

The popular breed has been called one the 25 innovations that changed the world.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  10-02-2008  |  Food+Drink

Eric Seed is Fueling the Nation's Classic-Cocktail Revivalnew

Through his work importing unusual spirits, Seed is quickly expanding the tippler's toolkit, helping cocktail geeks avoid whopping airmail fees or the risks of smuggling bottles in suitcases.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  09-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

Liquor Titan Phillips Distilling Aims Top Shelf With Organic Vodkanew

The Minnesota company wants you the think globally, drink locally.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  08-13-2008  |  Food+Drink

Why the Twin Cities is the Best Place to Eat Ice Cream in the Universenew

With this many choices of local, handcrafted treats, why go anywhere else?
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  08-06-2008  |  Food+Drink

The Best Way to Help Animals May Be to Eat Themnew

Why compassionate carnivorism just might work better than going vegetarian.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  05-08-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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