AltWeeklies Wire

Long Cheng Livestock Market Slays Your Meal in Front of Younew

A St. Paul slaughterhouse lets you watch as your dinner is butchered.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rachel Hutton  |  02-04-2009  |  Food+Drink

With a Halal Slaughter Facility, a Vermont Farmer Becomes an Unlikely Cultural Ambassadornew

Halal meat isn't easy to come by in the Green Mountains. "These people have a right to participate in their religious convictions," Arthur Meade suggests. "And there's no place in the state to do it. I allow people to practice their beliefs in clean, safe conditions. They bless the animals. It's a little bit of home."
Seven Days  |  Suzanne Podhaizer  |  06-13-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Wannabee Butcher Tries Out Her Chopsnew

Some middle-aged dudes might fantasize about rock-star camp. Others will pay a mint to don big-league pinstripes and run around the field. Me, I just wanted to dismember an animal.
Seven Days  |  Alice Levitt  |  04-28-2008  |  Food+Drink

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