AltWeeklies Wire

Will the '08 Election See an October Surprise?new

True, it's October Surprise time. But the truth is there have been only two major October Surprises in the past 52 years, in 1956 and 1962.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  09-29-2008  |  Commentary

Dems Hurt Their Chances by Their Reaction to Palinnew

The obvious thing for Obama to do is to ignore Palin and run against McCain. But he can't ignore her. In the past two weeks, Palin has obtained star power comparable to Obama's. He's in a finger-trap with her and in a death match.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  09-15-2008  |  Commentary

Enviros Find Lame Excuses Not to Drill Offshore and in the Arcticnew

One of the more commonly used talking points of those who oppose drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or on the Outer Continental Shelf is that it would be at least 5 to 7 years before any ANWR or OCS crude reached U.S. refineries. It's one of the dumber arguments environmentalists and their Democratic allies in Congress make, and if you want to know why, consider how long it would take to produce an equivalent amount of fuel from any alternative source.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  07-21-2008  |  Commentary

Is Dissent Patriotic? Sometimes It Is, Sometimes It Isn'tnew

If you're a dissenter, ask not, "Is dissent patriotic?" Ask whether you are patriotic.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  07-07-2008  |  Commentary

Blame Reagan for Today's High Gas Pricesnew

Less than four months after Jimmy Carter signed the Energy Security Act, the Reagan administration replaced the Carter administration. And as soon as they took office, the Reaganites set about killing the synfuels program. Where would we be today if Reagan had stayed the course?
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  06-30-2008  |  Commentary

Clinton and Obama Play a Dangerous Game with Gunsnew

They both have supported measures that make them radioactive with gun owners who vote the issue. But chances are it will be gun owners who decide the 2008 presidential election and possibly the Democratic nomination. So both candidates are trying to present themselves as friends of the firearm, with not-so-great results.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  04-28-2008  |  Commentary

Obama Can't Win as Black Radical, but He Can Win as MLKnew

In his Philadelphia speech, Obama tried to explain Rev. Wright to America. What America -- both black and white America -- needs to hear Obama do is explain America to Rev. Wright.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  04-15-2008  |  Commentary

Why Obama's Great Speech on Race Fell Shortnew

The trouble with the speech was that the core issue raised by Obama's relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright isn't race. It's patriotism.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  03-31-2008  |  Commentary

Cherry Pickers Lose Electionsnew

Hillary Clinton could learn a thing or two about winning elections from Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Barack Obama already has.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  03-18-2008  |  Commentary

The Coming Debate Over Iraq (and Vietnam)new

Can Barack Obama convince Americans that losing the war is OK?
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  03-03-2008  |  Commentary

The Democratic ticket: Clinton-Obama? Obama-Webb?new

So, assuming Clinton wins, will the Democratic ticket be Clinton-Obama in November?
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  02-04-2008  |  Commentary

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