AltWeeklies Wire

Elizabeth Lynn Dunham: May 12, 1961-Jan. 16, 2011new

The life and death of the woman who former Gov. Neil Goldschmidt sexually abused beginning when she was a young teen-ager.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  02-02-2011  |  Politics

Dr. Do-Overnew

Oregon Democratic gubernatorial nominee John Kitzhaber’s toughest opponent may not be Chris Dudley.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  09-22-2010  |  Politics

Rumbling Elephants: A Weekend at the Beach with Oregon's Republicansnew

Among the weapons for some of the delegates and exhibitors at the Dorchester Conference were 3-inch rubber fetuses (at an Oregon Right to Life table), tales of a Mexican welfare scammer with 16 kids (at the Oregonians for Immigration Reform exhibit) and raw energy from groups such as the tea party movement.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  03-10-2010  |  Politics

Odd Dynamics in Prez Race Could Decide Debate Over Columbia River Crossingnew

Metro’s role in transportation and land-use planning often puts it at the intersection of jobs and the environment. That conflict is most obvious in two issues recently dominating the council’s agenda, and they will be key issues in the three-way campaign for president.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  01-13-2010  |  Politics

Ron Wyden Disappoints by Recommending Five Straight White Males for judgenew

Wyden ticked off the nearly 1,400 members of Oregon Women Lawyers as well as the state's gay, lesbian and African-American legal eagles last week when he and fellow Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley recommended five straight, white, male lawyers for two open federal judgeships, which are generally regarded as the choicest judicial appointments in the legal profession because they carry lifetime tenure and pay $174,000 annually.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  07-22-2009  |  Politics

Fourteen Fascinating Things from the Investigation of Portland's Mayornew

Behind the report Oregon Attorney General John Kroger released regarding the investigation of Portland Mayor Sam Adams' relationship with Beau Breedlove is an extraordinary amount of detail even the casual observer should find fascinating.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss, Beth Slovic and James Pitkin  |  06-24-2009  |  Politics

Portland City Council Faces a Lot More Questions Than Answers Before Stadium Votenew

Like a long, scoreless soccer match finally heading to sudden death, Portland is on the brink of a result on Portland Beavers and Timbers owner Merritt Paulson’s proposal to bring Major League Soccer to town.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  03-11-2009  |  Politics

The Story Behind Why Portland's Mayor Admitted to Lyingnew

Portland Mayor Sam Adams, contrary to his earlier denials, confessed to having had a sexual relationship with legislative intern Beau Breedlove in 2005.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  01-21-2009  |  Politics

Lobbyists Woo Oregon Delegages in Denvernew

Maybe the change we’re all supposed to believe in is that lobbyists are OK, provided they’re Democrats who represent progressive causes.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  08-27-2008  |  Politics

Another Problem Fundraiser for John McCainnew

Former Oregon Republican Party chairman and one-time gubernatorial candidate Craig Berkman owes millions to some of Portland's wealthiest investors -- but that hasn't stopped him from making generous political contributions to Sen. John McCain and others.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  07-09-2008  |  Politics

Oregon's Must Read Website for Progressives Turns Red-Hot With Angernew

The mission statement on the state's leading political blog says "BlueOregon is a place for progressive Oregonians to gather 'round the water cooler and share news, commentary, and gossip." As the political season heats up, that water cooler at is more like a bar fight.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  04-23-2008  |  Politics

Erik Sten Calls It Quitsnew

In a surprise decision, Portland's longest-serving, most controversial city commissioner will resign midterm.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  01-02-2008  |  Politics

Oregon Lawmakers' Misguided Effort on Ethicsnew

Still no limits on campaign donations, and pols can spend that cash on personal items. So why are we celebrating the new ethics law?
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  12-19-2007  |  Politics

Sam Adams is Portland's Next Mayornew

Unless one of these 12 Portlanders steps up to challenge him.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  11-28-2007  |  Politics

Betsy Johnson's Mounting Ethical Problemsnew

The Oregon state senator is regarded as a front-runner for either secretary of state in 2008 or governor in 2010 -- but with Johnson's growing clout comes increased scrutiny and ethical questions about two bills that could benefit her.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  05-31-2007  |  Politics

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