AltWeeklies Wire

Ron Wyden Disappoints by Recommending Five Straight White Males for judgenew

Wyden ticked off the nearly 1,400 members of Oregon Women Lawyers as well as the state's gay, lesbian and African-American legal eagles last week when he and fellow Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley recommended five straight, white, male lawyers for two open federal judgeships, which are generally regarded as the choicest judicial appointments in the legal profession because they carry lifetime tenure and pay $174,000 annually.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  07-22-2009  |  Politics

Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden Defends His Health Plannew

Wyden has taken a lot of heat over his proposal to resolve the health care crisis from unions and others on the left, who want a public option in any reform. But Wyden's Healthy Americans Act focuses instead on blowing up the link between health insurance and employment. The bill would give workers their health benefits in the form of a pay raise (along with a tax cut for most on that pay increase), making them responsible for going out and buying their own insurance.
Willamette Week  |  Henry Stern and Mark Zusman  |  07-08-2009  |  Politics

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