AltWeeklies Wire

Nurses Claim Dr. Walter Ruf Took Sexual Harassment to a Whole New Levelnew

According to documents and depositions from Summit County court files, Dr. Ruf referred to young nurses as "wenches" and "cunts," and would "come up behind you and grab your breast," one nurse testified.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  06-20-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Help Wanted: The Next Generation of Nannies for the Super-Richnew

At the English Nanny & Governess School, they're finding it hard to recruit workers for the next generation of Ivy League child care.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  05-27-2008  |  Business & Labor

A Career Con Man Brings His Talents to Cleveland's Art Worldnew

Isaac Coleman Jr. had been committing fraud for two decades before he moved to Bratenahl and reinvented himself.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  05-09-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Sexual Assault: Another Byproduct of the Privatization of the Iraq Warnew

For women in Iraq, the terrorist could be the guy working beside you.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  04-11-2008  |  War

How Progressive Insurance Lost What Made it Progressivenew

The Cleveland region doesn't have many Fortune 500 companies left. If Progressive stumbles, where does that leave us?
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  03-14-2008  |  Business & Labor

The Golden Hand Behind the Cleveland Film Festival's Successnew

For a town unaccustomed to an influx of geeky glasses-and-black-cardigan intelligentsia, it's something of a minor miracle the 32-year-old institution continues to thrive.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  03-11-2008  |  Movies

Screwed by the Bulbnew

The downside of green light bulbs: Hundreds of layoffs in Cleveland.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  01-11-2008  |  Business & Labor

Will a New Slogan Destroy Oberlin's Hippie Soul?new

The school was a pioneer in admitting blacks and women, and now aims to fight global warming by becoming carbon-neutral, but the 2,800-student college is struggling with an identity crisis these days, created by the ultimate Oberlin enemy: a marketing consultant.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  12-21-2007  |  Education

Hunting for Trophy Bucks the Easy Waynew

If you are willing to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000, you can bag the trophy of a lifetime at a hunting preserve.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  11-16-2007  |  Recreation

The New McCarthyismnew

An Ohio professor is caught in the feds' weird web of paranoia and incompetence.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  10-19-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Finally: A School That Doesn't Settle for Failing Black Kidsnew

Brush High's strategy is simple, if seldom employed: When the population of your school district begins the rapid transformation from lily-white to majority black, don't panic. Ignore the parade of evidence that suggests you're doomed, and instead, play offense.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  10-01-2007  |  Education

Cleveland's Killing Fieldsnew

As the city's murder rate rises, the families of victims wait for justice that never comes.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  09-17-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Cleveland State Starts Classes Exclusively for Vetsnew

Unlike the government, the university is behaving as if it actually cares for war veterans.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  06-29-2007  |  War

Bait & Switchnew

Cleveland kids still cursed by Barbara Byrd-Bennett's incompetence.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  05-25-2007  |  Education

The Edge of Reason at Case Western Reservenew

A professor's failed climb up the ivory tower ends in accusations of a hoax.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  05-18-2007  |  Education

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