AltWeeklies Wire
'The Fourth Kind' is Dreadful Brain-Eating Garbage Best Left for the Scrap Heapnew
At last, here's a movie that finds Dan Brown's religious mumbo-jumbo too plausible; The Fourth Kind is a toxic stew of von Daniken and voyeurism; it's like Blair Witch but without the stomach-turning camera work because here all the nausea rises straight up from the script.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
11-10-2009 |
'Taxidermia' is Either Magical Realism or the Most Disturbing Movie You'll Ever Seenew
Some films are tough to watch and others may make you queasy, and then there's Taxidermia, a bizarre, squirmy parade of grotesqueries that requires a titanium-lined stomach to simply endure. In fact, you don't so much watch Gyorgy Palfi's film as sit back and let it happen to you.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
11-10-2009 |
Tags: Gyorgy Palfi, Taxidermia
LeBron James Doc 'More Than a Game' is an Incurious and Narcissistic Puff Piecenew
This slick 90-minute promo film -- tarted up to resemble a doc -- for Nike's crown jewel overflows with energy, style and a great soundtrack, but shows zero insight and honesty.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
10-20-2009 |
Michael Moore on 'Capitalism,' Reagan's Destruction and Getting Booted Out of GMnew
General Motors isn't Moore's only target this time. He argues that America's economic gap is a chasm, and that the foundations of a corrupt political and corporate system are about to crumble. With a wink and nudge, he wants you to help him push it over the edge, and then pick up the pieces.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
10-06-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Paper Heart' is Both Cutesy and Ironically Smugnew
Sort of a mock mockumentary, the film follows impossibly impish hipster comedian Charlyne Yi, as she crosses the country asking real folk about true love, an emotion she claims to be incapable of.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
08-18-2009 |
'The Spirit' is Sublime Nonsense on an Epic Scalenew

Watching The Spirit is what it must feel like to be hit in the face with one of the hero's haymakers -- shock, then pain, exhilaration, dizziness and finally nausea.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
01-06-2009 |
Lewis Black's Black Daysnew
The comedian's dealing with a rush of print and radio interviews before breakfast, which is nothing compared to the misery of simply being in L.A. Not just 'cause it's L.A., but because though there's a slight break in the flames that plague the city -- ash still hangs heavy in the air.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
11-27-2007 |
Tags: performance