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AltWeekly Awards
2007 Arts Feature Above 55,000
1st Place: "Foie Wars" by Lee Klein , Miami New Times
2nd Place: "Stealing the Show"
by John Nova Lomax
Houston Press
3rd Place: "Death, Drugs, Rap and Redemption"
by John Albert
L.A. Weekly
Honorable Mention: "Alpana's Revenge"
by Nicholas Day
Chicago Reader
2007 Arts Feature Below 55,000
1st Place: "Unipsycho" (PDF) by John E. Citrone , Folio Weekly
2nd Place: "Good as Gold" part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
by David Koon
Arkansas Times
3rd Place: "Stick Figure Masterpiece"
by DJ Palladino
Santa Barbara Independent
2007 Food Writing Above 55,000
1st Place: "Out of the Flames," "Flesh and Bone," "Bring the Funk" by Jonathan Gold , L.A. Weekly
2nd Place: "Bean Town"
by Zach Dundas
Willamette Week
3rd Place: "Have It All, Eat It Too," "Urban Fishing," "Carrot Invitational"
by Dara Moskowitz
City Pages (Twin Cities)
Honorable Mention: "Mama's House," "Sum More, Please," "Wedded Bliss"
by Jason Sheehan
2007 Food Writing Below 55,000
1st Place: "Swirl 'n' Spit": "Gloria Ferrer," "Bartholomew Park," "Wilson Winery" by Daedalus Howell , North Bay Bohemian
2nd Place: "The Modern Maitre d'," "Cheese With Care," "In the Kitchen"
by John Peck
Tucson Weekly
3rd Place: "Almost Fetching," "Blind Date," "Pride of Place"
by Joseph W. Cates
Style Weekly
2007 Music Criticism Above 55,000
1st Place: "Racket": "Just Say No Mas," "Screw October," "The Hype of March" by John Nova Lomax , Houston Press
2nd Place: "Evil Incarnate," "For Pete's Sake," "Bliss and Oblivion"
by James Parker
Boston Phoenix
3rd Place: "Down in Front": "Crazy For You, But Not That Crazy," "Get Busy Living," "Spankmaster and Servant"
by Rob Harvilla
The Village Voice
2007 Music Criticism Below 55,000
1st Place: "Singing Cowboys & Englishmen," "Mystery Black Boy," "The Black Atlantic" by Kandia Crazy Horse , Creative Loafing (Charlotte)
2nd Place: "Highway 281 Revisited," "High School Confidential," "Fed-Ex Delivery"
by Gilbert Garcia
San Antonio Current
3rd Place: "World of Their Own," "Twenty Years Ago Today," "Justify Your Love?"
by Chris Herrington
The Memphis Flyer