Boise Weekly Eliminates Ad Director Position

Nancy Spittle to pursue new professional adventures after seven-year tenure.

september 26, 2008  08:00 am
Boise Weekly Eliminates Ad Director Position
Boise Weekly announces the departure of longtime ad director Nancy E. Spittle. Nancy's seven year tenure at Boise Weekly is marked by one-after-another revenue achievements and her contribution to the Boise Weekly's high standing in Boise cannot be overstated. She leaves the paper to pursue new professional adventures.

After long and careful consideration, Nancy and Sally Freeman, publisher, decided to eliminate the ad directorship, at least for the time being. Even though Boise Weekly still has positive revenue growth over last year, the economy requires all companies to tighten ship and work hard to increase revenue and improve performance in sales. Boise Weekly has hired two additional account executives to aid the pursuit of new business. Sally will lead the restructured sales team to ensure their continued success.

Nancy and Sally are both optimistic about what this change will mean -- individually and for Boise Weekly.

On Oct. 11, Boise Weekly will be celebrating Nancy, her years of service at BW and her future adventures. Party theme: "To the Future." Plan to come and raise a toast (or several) to Nancy.

For more information, feel free to contact: Sally Freeman, Publisher Telephone: 208-344-2055 e-mail: sally (at)

Nancy E. Spittle Mobile: 208-484-2590 e-mail: nancyspittle (at)