AAN News

#AANDigital: Alternative Newsmedia Uniquely Positioned to Leverage Community Trust Into Digital Revenue

At the AAN Digital Conference in San Francisco, one message was loud and clear: With a strong and distinct voice that daily newspapers can't replicate, and years' worth of hard-earned community trust that the fly-by-night "hyperlocal" networks can't buy, the local alt-weekly has major advantages over its competitors in the battle for digital dollars. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  01-29-2013  5:00 pm  |  Conference News

Seven Days Launches Mobile Listings App for Touristsnew

Seven Days is targeting Vermont tourists with its new mobile app, BurlApp, which features listings for restaurants, lodgings, and other attractions.
NetNewsCheck  |  12-18-2012  9:55 am  |  Industry News

Voice Media Group and Aspen Live Conference Delve Into Future of Live Music and Ticketing

Event to feature industry leaders from Voice Media Group, Ticketfly, Bill Young Productions, Adler Integrated and GoldStar Events. (FULL STORY)
Voice Media Group  |  11-14-2012  2:30 pm  |  Press Releases

Voice Media Group Settles Trademark Infringement Lawsuit Against Yelp

Yelp has agreed to stop using Voice Media Group's trademarks and has reverted to the phrase it used before this dispute arose. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  11-09-2012  7:30 am  |  Legal News

The Media Oxpecker: When Hyperlocal Doesn't Add Up

Why hyperlocal from the top-down won't succeed, but smaller, specialized publications will. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  06-29-2012  2:08 pm  |  Media Roundup

24 Things We Learned at the 2012 AAN Convention

It's been two weeks since the 2012 AAN Convention in Detroit. So what have we learned? And where do we go from here? (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  06-22-2012  11:00 am  |  Conference News

'Makeover 2016: Digital or Die' Webinar

If you missed the annual convention in Detroit, now's your chance to see this highly-rated presentation by Peter Conti of Borrell Associates. Reserve your spot for this free webinar which takes place Wednesday, June 27. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  06-19-2012  9:25 am  |  Industry News

AAN's 35th Annual Convention Heads to Detroit

AAN's 35th Annual Convention will take place Thursday, June 7 through Saturday, June 9. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  04-24-2012  5:00 pm  |  Conference News

Seven Days Hires Six New Staff Members

Six new employees have joined the staff at Seven Days over the past few months. The new hires include two staff writers, a marketing and events manager, a production manager, a designer and a sales assistant. (FULL STORY)
Seven Days  |  04-17-2012  3:40 pm  |  Press Releases

The Media Oxpecker: The Ever-Expanding Job Description of the Modern Editor

The future of media is here, and it is relentlessly on-message. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  04-06-2012  11:00 am  |  Media Roundup

AAN's Digital Sales Bootcamp Schedule Now Available

AAN's Digital Sales Bootcamp in Atlanta on April 21 will be a day packed with dynamic speakers sharing innovative ideas that will take your sales team out of the dark ages. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  03-28-2012  2:30 pm  |  Conference News

Sales Webinar: Creating A Circle of Influence

Join us on Thursday, March 15, for the webinar, "Creating A Circle of Influence," presented by Jacqui Sakowski. Jacqui will discuss the networking strategies she has used to build a successful career and explain how to be an effective networker. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  03-13-2012  11:11 am  |  Association News

The Media Oxpecker: The Search for a New Business Model

What can alt-weeklies take away from the Pew's report on daily newspapers' (lack of) digital revenue? What does the iPad's "retina display" mean for publishers? Given the ongoing gender disparity in newsrooms, how did NPR become a hotbed for female journalists? And the Oxpecker turns 1. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  03-09-2012  2:53 pm  |  Media Roundup

The Media Oxpecker: Pew Digital Advertising Report 'Unsurprising but Damning'

What can we learn from the Pew Research Center's report on Digital Advertising and News? A Women's Media Center report reminds us that media is overwhelmingly male, and getting maler. And get ready for the Tablet Generation. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-17-2012  3:33 pm  |  Media Roundup

Research Report on 'The Local Merchant' Available

AAN members are eligible for a 25% discount on Street Fight's white paper research report, "The Local Merchant: Inside the Minds and Motivations of the Business Owners Driving a $43 Billion Advertising Market." (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-16-2012  10:25 am  |  Association News
