AltWeeklies Wire

Five Minutes With Howard Deannew

The Democratic National Committee Chairman and former presidential candidate is tearing through Pennsylvania to talk about health care with SEIU workers. We got a chance for a five-minute phone interview (we forgot to ask about the scream!). Here are some excerpts.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Tom Namako  |  09-23-2008  |  Politics

Poli Psy: Body Politicnew

The author argues for taking it to the streets -- versus cyber-activism -- en route to the peace march in Washington, D.C.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  10-12-2005  |  Commentary

Texas's Liberal Icons Offer Advice for Political Seasonnew

Books by two of the state's most prominent liberal writers come at a time when the state's Democrats are trying to reorganize and rebuild, clearing out the weeds and wreckage of a decade of Republican dominance. Reviewed along with Hightower's book is Molly Ivins' Who Let the Dogs In? Incredible Political Animals I Have Known.
San Antonio Current  |  Sean-Paul Kelley  |  08-31-2004  |  Nonfiction

Jeff Seemann Is Ohio's Howard Dean — Minus the "Yeaaaghh!"new

After the Democrat running for Congress in Ohio's 16th District stood up for a blogger's right of to speak his mind, online donations flowed in and campaign volunteers started showing up from all over.
Cleveland Scene  |  Kevin Hoffman  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

The Dean Effect: Howard's Crowd is Branching Out

Howard Dean tells Seven Days he doesn't want the base of supporters he energized during his presidential campaign to go away, just to be pointed in different directions. The alt-weekly interviews Dean and 10 of his former key staffers and volunteers -- including Joe Trippi and Zephyr Teachout -- to find out where they are now and how they were inspired the campaign.
Seven Days  |  Cathy Resmer  |  05-28-2004  |  Politics

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