AltWeeklies Wire

Is D.C. Shoving Go-Go Aside?new

Natalie Hopkinson’s article in last Sunday’s Washington Post Outlook section, “Go-go music is the soul of Washington, but it’s slipping,” has generated some discussion thanks to its provocative title, its subject and contentions. But some of the piece’s contentions, specifically those suggesting a causative relationship between gentrification and the diminished presence of go-go within the city, raised my eyebrows, and I wasn’t alone.
Washington City Paper  |  Steve Kiviat  |  04-16-2010  |  Music

A Friend's Death and a Cop's Support Spawn a Go-Go Bandnew

Highly Respected wanted enough money to buy a headstone for a murdered friend. Enter Mitch Credle.
Washington City Paper  |  Angela Valdez  |  07-10-2008  |  Music

Big Troublenew

Gary Haney's dream was to be the Larry Flynt of the Rockies, but his big needs -- for sex, drugs and money -- took him down.
Westword  |  Jared Jacang Maher  |  02-28-2006  |  Crime & Justice

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