AltWeeklies Wire

Remembering Jack McCraynew

Jack McCray left us a wealth of knowledge, a physical archive, stories, memories, advice, and blessings. He was a visionary who realized his visions -- not by "magic," but by hard, tiresome, selfless work.
Charleston City Paper  |  Leah Suárez  |  11-16-2011  |  Profiles & Interviews

Death-Metal Pioneers Obituary are Content to Crush Eardrums at Medium Speednew

Brothers John and Donald Tardy (vocals and drums, respectively) formed the band under the name of Xecutioner in 1985 -- they weren't old enough to vote when they recorded their songs for the Raging Death compilation, released in 1987.
East Bay Express  |  Jarret Keene  |  09-09-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Obituary: In the Pocketnew

The death-metal pioneers are content to crush eardrums at medium speed.
Tucson Weekly  |  Jarret Keene  |  09-02-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Obituary Livesnew

The nihilistic metalists find familial bliss.
NOW Magazine  |  Evan Davies  |  09-14-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Band Has Not Progressed Very Far Stylisticallynew

The album is as heavy and tight as any of the group's releases since the first album, but it's also not a departure.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Chris Parker  |  09-15-2005  |  Reviews

A Lesson in Violencenew

Obituary has humanized death metal, eschewing satanic posturing for a much less dogmatic take on a genre that is often hated by parents.
Cleveland Scene  |  Jason Bracelin  |  09-13-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Johnny Ramone: 1949-2004new

Johnny Ramone was the guitar player who without uttering a word showed all the other punks how to do it.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Ashare  |  09-24-2004  |  Music

Bern Porter, Poet, Scientist, Mail Artist, Dies at 93new

One of the most interesting characters in American letters died earlier this year, to little notice. This is a retrospective of his career, including a visit to his hometown's historical society and to his now disused home.
Portland Phoenix  |  Alex Irvine  |  09-15-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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