AltWeeklies Wire
Voter ID: Not About Intimidationnew
Despite efforts by the Mississippi Legislature to compromise on voter identification during the regular session, Gov. Haley Barbour held a May 13 press conference to demonstrate that he wants no one exempt from mandatory voter identification requirements.
Jackson Free Press |
Ayana Taylor |
04-21-2008 |
On Edgenew
A lawsuit from the 2004 elections continues, as tensions mount over county clerks' choice of voting machines.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dan Frosch |
12-07-2005 |
Boxer's Rebellionnew
Activists and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) forced Congress to discuss voting rights on Jan. 6 when Boxer joined members of the U.S. House of Representatives in challenging the certification of Ohio's Electoral College vote.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rachel Brahinsky |
01-12-2005 |
Tags: 2004 election, election reform
Bogus Outragenew
Why the New York Times is wrong (again) about Florida cops intimidating black voters in Orlando
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
08-25-2004 |