AltWeeklies Wire

J. Cole: Friday Night Lightsnew

“Never sold a rock and look I made it, bitch.” In an album full of severe pronouncements, perhaps none ring out with more ferocity than the statement J. Cole makes on “Before I’m Gone.”
YES! Weekly  |  Ryan Snyder  |  12-02-2010  |  Reviews

Jay-Z's Latest 'Blueprint' is Still Less Inspired and Less Fluid than the Firstnew

Mostly, the album is Jay's attempt to get hip -- or hipster -- as he enlists a crop of fresh new talent discovered by Kanye West to help him sound relevant. Unfortunately, much like a 40-year-old divorcee who hits the town with her daughter's friends, it's clear that Jay doesn't quite fit in among this crowd, and The Blueprint 3 suffers for it.
OC Weekly  |  Ben Westhoff  |  09-22-2009  |  Reviews

The Black List: Political Correctedness Ain't What it Used To Benew

To help you navigate the new ins and outs, here are a few of the words, phrases, ideas and people that have now been officially blacklisted. Study carefully ...
New York Press  |  Jamaal Young  |  11-20-2008  |  Culture

Kanye, Jay-Z, Mary J., and Rihanna Clamor for Diva Statusnew

As Ye-Day approaches, one question looms large: Can any arena contain Kanye West's massive ego?
SF Weekly  |  Eric K. Arnold  |  04-16-2008  |  Concerts

Jay-Z Falls Shortnew

American Gangster is considerably better than 2006's lackluster Kingdom Come, if only because it returns Jay-Z to his criminal comfort zone.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  11-21-2007  |  Reviews

Jay-Z Loses the Plot While Trying to See the Big Picturenew

His wordplay is dense, and perhaps more complex than ever, but, for the first time, Jay-Z's lyrics look better on paper than they sound on record.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Al Shipley  |  11-13-2007  |  Reviews

Jay-Z: America's Most Overrated Rappernew

Rap's Grateful Dead? Hova? Young? The No. 1 MC of all time? None of the above.
Houston Press  |  Ben Westhoff  |  11-06-2007  |  Reviews

Eternal Flameoutnew

Jay-Z goes from Marcy to Farce-y.
Washington City Paper  |  Sarah Godfrey  |  12-08-2006  |  Reviews

Cruising Out of the Undergroundnew

Columbus emcee Copywrite mixes it up with major-label interest.
Columbus Alive  |  Wes Flexner  |  01-18-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Celebrity du Jour Visits Oakland High Schoolnew

Rap artist Kanye West stopped by an Oakland high school to talk in rhyme to kids, many of them representing the young-artist-run label Youth Movement Records
East Bay Express  |  Eric K. Arnold  |  10-05-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

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