AltWeeklies Wire
Missing the Marknew

Many schools are failing to meet the (nearly impossible) standards of No Child Left Behind.
San Luis Obispo New Times |
Nick Powell |
12-01-2011 |
Tony Smith's Visionnew

Oakland's superintendent doesn't just want to close schools. He wants to radically alter how the school district and the city educate kids.
East Bay Express |
Micky Duxbury |
10-05-2011 |
Inside the Multimillion-Dollar Essay-Scoring Businessnew

Behind the scenes of standardized testing.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Jessica Lussenhop |
02-23-2011 |
Get Under The Bus?new

In education reform, the feds are dealing a high-stakes game, and cash-poor states are hard-pressed not to play.
LEO Weekly |
Cary Stemle |
08-06-2010 |
Thanks to No Child Left Behind, Military Recruiters Swoop into Schoolsnew
NCLB forces high schools that receive federal funding to provide upperclassmen's contact information to the Armed Forces -- unless a parent specifically has opted out. The law also requires that military recruiters be given the same access to public schools afforded to college recruiters and potential employers. In response, some school districts limited the access of all recruiters to high schools, but others rolled out the camouflage carpet.
Colorado Springs Independent |
J. Adrian Stanley |
09-23-2008 |
The California Music Project Fights the Decline of Music in Schoolsnew
No Child Left Behind nearly ushered music education out of existence, and the negative effects emerged quickly. But the nonprofit organization is pushing back, armed with a new CD, California Music Project Vol. 1., featuring Jack Johnson, Beck, Dwight Yoakam and Ben Harper.
Metro Silicon Valley |
David Ma |
04-24-2008 |
How Do You Pass No Child Left Behind When You Don't Speak English?new
Due to a simple law, the entire staff at Cleveland's Joseph Gallagher School may soon be fired because some 11-year-old named Nzeyimana can't use the word "prowl" in a sentence.
Cleveland Scene |
Bradley Campbell |
04-18-2008 |
So Much for No Child Left Behindnew
School test scores rise as more low-scoring students drop out.
Houston Press |
Margaret Downing |
04-15-2008 |
Career Opportunities?new

No Child Left Behind set off a gold rush for tutoring companies, but California isn't keeping up.
East Bay Express |
Emma Brown, Sierra Filucci and Sabrina Shankman |
02-14-2008 |
The Case Against Tenurenew
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to reform California's archaic and burdensome tenure rules for K-12 teachers was far from being too radical. It wasn't radical enough.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
12-12-2005 |
Tags: No Child Left Behind, a longtime teacher and track coach at Thomas Olaeta Elementary School in Atwater, Albert G. Truitt Jr., California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, California Teachers Association, Michael E. Smith, partner of the Fresno-based law firm Lozano Smith, Union attorney John Kohn Attorney Thomas Driscoll
Education Reform Programs Come in One-Size-Fits-Allnew
The Kansas City, Mo., School District has spent millions on a reform effort that forces teachers to read dumbed-down literature, like Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, to their students -- and be timed by stopwatches while they're doing it.
Schwarzenegger's 'Reforms' Hurt Children and Teachersnew
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's new budget drastically undermines an already substandard educational system in the name of keeping alive tax breaks for profitable corporations.
North Bay Bohemian |
Peter Byrne |
01-28-2005 |
Homeless 101
Changes in federal law are changing the way schools think about homeless youth.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Nadra Kareem |
09-23-2004 |
Policy Issues