AltWeeklies Wire

Ohioans, Don't Get Fooled Again; Support Issues 2-5new

Ohio's Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to defeat five election-reform issues on the ballot in November and preserve its domination of state government.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  10-01-2005  |  Commentary

Mired in the Machinesnew

New York may lose millions of federal dollars because its lawmakers can’t agree on voting standards.
Metroland  |  Rick Marshall  |  03-17-2005  |  Politics

Hip-Hop Generation Descends on Florida With Slam Bushnew

Slam Bush, a political action committee created by the League of Pissed-Off Voters, has created a video in which hip-hop artist Wordsworth debates with the virtual image of George W. Bush.
Miami New Times  |  Mosi Reeves  |  09-29-2004  |  Politics

Dean's New Campaign: Recruiting Neophytes to Liven Up the Partynew

Most of the unsuccessful Democratic presidential hopefuls have quietly gone back to their day jobs. Not Howard Dean. He's still on the road five or six days a week vigorously promoting the political action committee Democracy for America.
Long Island Press  |  Elizabeth Cady Brown  |  09-24-2004  |  Politics

Road Trip for Changenew

Voter registration groups, including Stand Up! Florida and, have sprouted up in the last year, sending dozens of Bay Area denizens on swing state registration drives.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Megan Cahn  |  08-05-2004  |  Politics

Regime Changenew

Here are 10 things you can do to defeat Bush and save this country.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Bay Guardian Staff  |  08-05-2004  |  Politics

Arab-American Support for Bush Is Waningnew

A polar shift in the attitude of Iraqis toward their American “liberators” is mirrored in the political atmosphere among Arab-American and other Middle Eastern voters here in the United States.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  06-16-2004  |  Politics

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