AltWeeklies Wire
Wild and Scenic Film Festival Comes to Boise On Tournew

These films will highlight some of the environmental issues that are troubling us today.
Boise Weekly |
Alex Blackwell |
04-20-2011 |
Reality Fiction: How 'The Road' and '2012' Might Predict the Future ... For Realnew

From health care to finance, the prefix "broken" has been applied to every industrialized system humankind has had the gumption to design. The world that lapped up Roland Emmerich's last two end-time fables might not be so eager for part three.
North Bay Bohemian |
Hannah Strom-Martin |
11-11-2009 |
'No Impact Man': What’s the Big To-Do About Doing With Less?new

Is No Impact Man a landmark documentary? Is the book a Walden for our time? Not really. Both, in a modest, agreeable fashion, tell us what we already know: We buy too much, we waste too much, and we're using up resources disproportionate to our presence on the planet.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
09-28-2009 |
Ken Burns Worships America's Spiritual Resource in His Latest Docnew
His PBS 12-hour epic The National Parks: America's Best Idea is a selective chronicle of the evolution of the National Parks system and the changing roles protected lands have played in American culture since Congress validated Yosemite in 1864.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
09-24-2009 |
Inconvenient Truths Abound in Eco-Docs 'The Age of Stupid' and 'No Impact Man'new
So then, do the canvas bags, travel mugs, energy-saving appliances, clotheslines, CSA memberships, cycling, recycling, composting, and other ecologically minded efforts of a smattering of well-intentioned individuals matter at all? Or matter enough?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Lynn Rapoport |
09-16-2009 |
Doc About Chevron's Eco Destruction, While Better Than Most, Still Doesn't Measure Up as Artnew
Crude touches all manifestations of oil greed which P.T. Anderson avoided when making his contemptuous anti-American pseudo-epic There Will Be Blood. Anderson kowtowed to trite anti-Bush cynicism, not even doing justice to the muckraking source novel, Oil!, by Upton Sinclair. Blood was trendy, Crude is aggrieved.
New York Press |
Armond White |
09-10-2009 |
Documentaries Don't Get More Compelling Than 'The Cove'new
The Cove is one of the best documentaries of 2009. It deserves an audience for its aesthetic beauty alone. But the film, like almost every issue-driven doc, lacks much-needed nuance, and audiences should remember to approach anything set out to manipulate their heartstrings with a decent level of skepticism.
New York Press |
David Berke |
07-31-2009 |
'No Family History' Studies the Link Between Cancer and Pollutionnew
The new documentary feature written and directed by University of Pennsylvania research fellow Dr. Sabrina McCormick looks at cancer clusters.
Philadelphia Weekly |
John Steele |
10-27-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Doc on PBS Sheds Light on our Looming Water Crisisnew
Jim Thebaut's new documentary takes on the water crisis in the American Southwest, in particular on the oft-overlooked Indian reservations.
Las Vegas Weekly |
T.R. Witcher |
10-03-2008 |
'The Unforeseen' is a Mezmorizing Doc on Development and the Environmentnew
The Unforeseen centers on the ambitions of one developer, Gary Bradley, and those who would oppose his will in Austin, Texas. Dunn merges her findings with a cinematic style that alternates between impressionistic, cinematic poetry and solid, straight-ahead uses of narrative and interview.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
05-30-2008 |
Projecting Change Festival Gets Green On-screennew
The fims of Vancouver's first environmental film festival will focus on specific themes: food and agriculture, sustainable energy, building methods, consumer goods and kids, and the environment.
The Georgia Straight |
Matthew Burrows |
05-05-2008 |
Behind Energy Linesnew
Local filmmaker documents the devastating toll of cheap coal.
Baltimore City Paper |
Lee Gardner |
11-16-2006 |
Warming Up?new
Al Gore is not going to run for president again -- not in 2008, not ever.
Film Turns Environmentalism Into Big Cheesy Fun
Sitting through the enviro-apocalyptic thriller The Day After Tomorrow is akin to watching The Weather Network while having a really bad acid trip.
Monday Magazine |
Robert Moyes |
08-07-2004 |