AltWeeklies Wire

Reclaiming Stolen History

Meet Boilerplate, History’s Mechanical Marvel.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  11-24-2009  |  Fiction

Matt Prior's Life is in the Toilet ... Jess Walter Put Him Therenew

Matt Prior is the protagonist of The Financial Lives of the Poets and a complete figment of Walter's imagination. Walter has taken pains to ensure Matt Prior's life is as shitty as a well-educated white American male's can be.
The Inlander  |  Luke Baumgarten  |  09-10-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Sedarisland Diariesnew

Having conquered the writing world by becoming its outsider-humorist-in-chief -- building a name and an identity around his sense of personal alienation -- the only place David Sedaris seems to feel at home is on the road.
The Inlander  |  Luke Baumgarten  |  06-11-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

A Portland Novelist Rewrites a True Storynew

Portland’s Forest Park was a great place to get off the grid and stay off for a Vietnam vet with PTSD and his 13-year-old daughter. Novelist Peter Rock re-imagines: Where did this real-life father and daughter disappear to?
The Inlander  |  Michael Bowen  |  03-12-2009  |  Fiction

'Nixonland' Underlines the Real Lesson of 1968

Today that lesson teaches that we should seek a president who can heal the still-festering wounds of race and class, who can lead us out of war and who can move us past the political purgatory Perlstein calls Nixonland. But by invoking that sad chapter in our history, Hillary Clinton has cast herself in the Dick Nixon role.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  05-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

Clairvoyant Archaeology

In his latest book, Craig Childs tracks the vanished Anasazi across the Southwest.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  05-02-2007  |  Nonfiction

Dr. Luntzenstein

In Words That Work, is Frank Luntz trying to kill the monster he created or just get people to stop calling him Orwellian?
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  02-23-2007  |  Nonfiction

An Art-History Detective Story

A new book about Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio demonstrates that geniuses, especially in their personal lives, aren't always what they're cracked up to be.
The Inlander  |  Michael Bowen  |  11-16-2005  |  Nonfiction

He’s Serlarious

Al Franken, known for being both hilarious and serious, says he has bigger fish to fry in his new book: the Bush administration and Congress.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  10-26-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Review of Collapse

“What were Easter Islanders saying as they cut down the last tree on their island?” That’s the question that drives Jared Diamond’s new book, and it’s a relevant one for a world currently doing the same things with the same lack of reflection.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  02-02-2005  |  Nonfiction

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