AltWeeklies Wire

Religious Liberty Threatened by Everything Obama Does From the Moment He Wakes Upnew

Tennessee GOP lawmakers are predictably hopping onto the bandwagon of verbal assault on the mandate that health insurance plans cover contraception and birth control without exemptions for religiously affiliated hospitals and universities.
Nashville Scene  |  Bruce Barry  |  02-09-2012  |  Politics

96-Year-Old Woman Who Voted During Jim Crow Is Denied Photo IDnew

At age 96, Dorothy Cooper is the new poster child for what's wrong with Tennessee's photo ID voter law.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-05-2011  |  Politics

Grudge Matchnew

As a Nashville councilman, Jason Holleman has often sided with Mayor Karl Dean -- but evidently not often enough.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  06-10-2011  |  Politics

Jeff Yarbro and Sen. Douglas Henry: The Opponentsnew

Ask challenger Jeff Yarbro if he plans to go on the attack in his bid to dethrone state Sen. Douglas Henry in August's Democratic primary, and he shrugs it off. "I don't see this as a race against Sen. Henry, but one for the state Senate," Yarbro says.
Nashville Scene  |  Joey Garrison  |  03-05-2010  |  Politics

Even as Theater, Health Care Town Halls are Turning into a Major Painnew

Only a few days ago, Rep. Bart Gordon's town hall would have set off a frenzy of national chatter. Now, it's all too predictable -- merely yet another humiliation of a member of Congress by the far right.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-28-2009  |  Politics

Tennessee Rep. Jim Cooper Defends His Work on Health Care Reformnew

Cooper's touting the legislation known as Wyden-Bennett after Senate sponsors Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Bob Bennett, R-Utah. Among its co-sponsors is Lamar Alexander. Cooper describes it as "a beacon of hope out there." He sees it as a Third Way harnessing both the Democrats' dream of universal coverage and Republican love of market forces.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-14-2009  |  Politics

Tennessee Governor Plays the Martyr Instead of Fighting the Good Fightnew

By equivocating on Tennessee's guns-in-bars bill when his opposition would have made a difference, Gov. Phil Bredesen missed his opportunity to stop its passage.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  06-05-2009  |  Politics

Rep. Eric Swafford's Bid to Make Tennessee a Laughingstocknew

Swafford has proudly become America's first state legislator to join the wacky legal action challenging Barack Obama's status as a U.S. citizen, an issue that's become an obsession of the far-right fringe.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  02-20-2009  |  Politics

Who's Running the Tennessee House Now?new

In a surprise vote that turned the legislature into a pit of snapping vipers, the Republican Kent Williams was elected House speaker in a clandestine deal with the Democrats. What happens next is a question that now occupies the Capitol.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  01-23-2009  |  Politics

Evangelicals Demand Subservience from Tennessee's New GOP Majoritynew

Evangelicals would like to clear up any confusion over who's running the state legislature. The new Republican majority won't start meeting until January, but already the party's bug-eyed base is demanding top billing for its pet causes and warning unbelievers to watch their backs.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  12-01-2008  |  Politics

The Republicans Take Control of the Tennessee Capitolnew

The new GOP majority is getting off to what might charitably be described as a stumbling start. In their big moment in history, they've been forced to dispute accusations that they rode to victory not on the power of their ideas, but on a wave of racism that the party helped whip up. Talk about a buzz killer.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-21-2008  |  Politics

Tennessee Dems Blame Racism for Historic Election Lossesnew

Barack Obama changed the political map with the biggest Democratic victory since LBJ, but the election made a different kind of history in the alternate universe known as Tennessee.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-14-2008  |  Politics

Bob Tuke Soldiers On, Despite Being Given Zero Chance to Unseat Sen. Lamar Alexandernew

Sen. Lamar Alexander took a long Canadian fishing trip in the middle of his reelection campaign. That's pretty much all you need to know about how much he fears Bob Tuke, the Democrat attempting to unseat him.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-10-2008  |  Politics

Gov. Phil Bredesen as Obama Veep? Seriously?new

He's praised as a possible Obama running mate -- too bad our governor isn't programmed to function as a Democrat.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-11-2008  |  Politics

Tennessee GOP Back in National Spotlight for Attacking Michelle Obamanew

First, the Tennessee GOP tried to smear Barack Obama as an Israel-hating Muslim in a news release that drew rebuke from John McCain, Lamar Alexander and other party leaders. Now, the party has produced a YouTube video that attacks Michelle Obama as unpatriotic.
Nashville Scene  |  Staff  |  05-27-2008  |  Politics

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